Learn More About the Hume O’Neill Chair

Invite: Oral Histories of the Troubles
The seminar uses Cultural Studies and psychoanalytic theories and methods to explore the emotional dynamics in Troubles life stories and their impact on memory politics and conflict transformation.

Bonfires for Peace?
Following my recent trip to Sierra Leone I published an article in the Derry Journal entitled “Bonfires for Peace? What Northern Ireland can learn from Sierra Leone”.

Invite: Nonviolence & Empowerment
Conflict Textiles, INNATE & the Hume O’Neill Chair in Peace (Ulster University) invite you to a discussion with Ramin Jahanbegloo on 28th November at 3.00pm (Belfast Room Ulster Museum Stranmillis Road Belfast).

Programme for Government
The HumeO’Neill Chair with Eliz McArdle from Ulster University and on behalf of the Peace Summit Partnership submitted a response to the Draft Programme for Government for Northern Ireland 2024.

Hume O’Neill Lecture: Simon Harris
The inaugural John Hume and Thomas P. O’Neill Chair Peace Lecture took place on the Derry-Londonderry Campus of Ulster University on 20 September 2024 through a partnership of the Hume O’Neill Chair and the John and Pat Hume Foundation.

Short Film: Conflict Textiles
A new short film commissioned by the The Hume O’Neill Chair and Conflict Textiles about artist Eileen Harrisson.

Conflict Textiles Feasibility Study
Ulster University and Conflict Textiles Trust have collaborated over the 15 years of the existence of the Conflict Textile Collection.

Beyond Intragroup Betrayal
Continuing our work on the issue of betrayal in peacebuilding Wilhem Verwoerd, Alistair Little and Brandon Hamber have published a new article in the Peacebuilding journal entitled “Beyond intragroup betrayal during intergroup relational peacebuilding”.

Victim Mobilisation Paper
Ulster University and Conflict Textiles Trust have collaborated over the 15 years of the existence of the Conflict Textile Collection.