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Mind Your Mood is the student-led mental health campaign at Ulster University.

Mind Your Mood aims to give students the opportunity to understand mental health issues, promote ways to improve your mental health and encourage students to talk about their mental health.

Mental health affects how we function in everyday life, so it is important. Just like we need to look after our physical health, we need to look after our mental health. We need to actively take care of ourselves.

The majority of people are aware of the implications of ignoring their physical health, however, the consequences of ignoring our mental health can be just as serious, yet it is something we tend to ignore.

Mind your Mood plans to tackle this by partnering with a range of charities and individual speakers to provide educational workshops, as well as running events and health fairs to promote awareness.

The Mind Your Mood Award aspires to educate and equip students to tackle the stigma in their own friend groups, societies, courses and campus.

If you would like to get involved, or have any suggestions for workshops and events, we would love to hear from you. You can send us an email at

Hey everyone!

My name is Shauna and I am a Fine Art student based in Belfast currently doing my placement year as the Mind Your Mood Coordinator across all three campuses for 2023/2024.

Mind Your Mood is a student-led mental health campaign, aiming to promote positive mental health and spread awareness on how to take care of your mental health through workshops, events and training. This is open to all students and I'm looking forward to delivering these throughout the academic year!

I am aware that being a student can be stressful at times so I hope these workshops help ease that stress and have a positive impact on your mental wellbeing.

I will be recruiting student ambassadors to join me in promoting positive mental health and planning workshops with me so please email Mind Your Mood if you are interested or have any questions.

I look forward to seeing you around the campuses!

Shauna Mulligan - Mind Your Mood Coordinator (23/24)

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Mental Health Edge Award

Earn an Edge Award getting involved with the student-led mental health campaign Mind Your Mood.

Award image


Following on from last year’s success, we are launching once again our Mind Your Mood award.