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Chaplaincy is a safe space for all students and staff providing compassionate care to whoever comes to call. Whatever your position on faith, your nationality, gender, sexual orientation or role within the university, Chaplaincy offers you non-judgemental hospitality, friendship pastoral & spiritual support.

The people you will meet in Chaplaincy are as diverse as the things you will do, see and hear. Whether you go to Chaplaincy for - a cuppa, a rest, a chat, a meeting, an event, to worship, eat, study, pray or volunteer with a worthy cause

Chaplaincy is for everyone and seeks to help you grow in all areas of life!

The Chaplains

The Chaplains play an important role in the welfare provision and pastoral support of all students and staff in Ulster University. At the university’s request, Chaplains are appointed by their denominational churches and contracted to work as a Student Wellbeing service. On each campus, the Chaplains are committed to working together in teams.

They believe it is important, particularly in N.Ireland to show that people from different traditions can choose to work together to love and serve others and also enjoy it!. Chaplains are here to offer you personal, social, practical and spiritual support and are not here to recruit for any one belief, denomination, religion or organisation.

Chaplains can signpost and accompany you to other support services, link you with a faith community and provide information on local places of worship. University is a formative experience.

Chaplains journey with students and staff through each academic year and can help you navigate this journey as you ask questions, explore new things and embrace life’s many challenges. The Chaplains are there for you in times of joy as well in times of despair.

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  • Visitation

    If you or someone you know in the university community is at home or in hospital unwell and would like a visit, please tell us! Chaplains are here to offer care to any member of the university community and will ensure that appropriate confidentiality is maintained.

  • Bereavement Support

    Everyone reacts differently to death and grief is unique for each person. The university has a range of services which can help in coping with bereavement, amongst these, the Chaplains. If you or someone you know has recently lost a relative, friend or colleague and would like to speak to a Chaplain or discuss the possibility of memorial services within the university community please make contact.

  • Specialist Services

    In addition to leading the Eucharist, ordained chaplains may also be available for baptisms, weddings and funerals if circumstances do not allow for these to occur within a local church community.

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Find out more about our chaplaincy and how to contact us.

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Find out more about our chaplaincy and how to contact us.

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Find out more about our chaplaincy and how to contact us.