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To date the UNESCO Centre has completed more than 40 research and development projects.

Below is a thematic overview of our work, including our major research projects.

The PEER Network – The Political Economy of Education Research

The PEER Network aims to strengthen political economy analysis of education    systems in countries affected by conflict or crisis and to support the development of critical  researchers and practitioners in the field.

Critical Understandings of Education for Peace: A global network to overcome injustices

A partnership between the UNESCO Centre, University of Bristol and IFRC to explore critical approaches to education and peace.

The Political Economy of Non-State Education in Iraq

Working with our partner, the University of Koya, to explore the impact of non-state actor provision of education in conflict affected areas of Iraq.

The Iraqi Schools Project

Working with UNESCO Iraq to help train teachers in the most conflict affected areas of Iraq. Responding to the needs of teachers across Ninewa and Anbar the project has developed the ‘Safe and Supportive’ school guide and accompanying training programme.

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International Development, Education, Conflict & Peacebuilding

Learn about our work with UNICEF and other partners.

Integrated Education

Research focused on segregation of schooling, integrated and shared education in Northern Ireland.


Our work regarding Citizenship Education.

The Children and Youth Programme

A series of special reports on young people in Ireland and Northern Ireland.

Academic Selection

Evaluations of academic selection in Northern Ireland.

History Teaching, Peacebuilding and Controversial Issues

The role of history teaching in discussing difficult topics.

Community Relations

Our local work in Northern Ireland's divided society.

Profiling SEN and Disability in NI Using Education and Social Data

This research used educational and social data to explore Special Educational Needs in NI and the relationship between SEN and...