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Part-time study gives you greater control over your learning journey.

You can balance work and other commitments and study at a pace that suits you.

Our suite of part-time courses covers a broad range of subject areas and is designed with convenience and flexibility in mind.

Teaching can be delivered on campus, entirely online or a combination of both.

In this section

Part-time Undergraduate image

Part-time Undergraduate

Career-building, life-building part-time undergraduate degree courses that work with your lifestyle.

Professional & Continuing Education image

Professional & Continuing Education

The Centre for Flexible Education provides personal and professional development courses across a range of subjects.

How to apply image

How to apply

Find out how you can apply to Ulster University.

Fees image


Find out more about fees for part-time study.

Tuition Fee Loan image

Tuition Fee Loan

Available for students from Northern Ireland and EU.