About TJI
A research centre focused on how societies deal with the transition from conflict or oppression - human rights, gender, international...
Transitional Justice Institute (TJI) is a world-leading law-led multidisciplinary research centre focusing on transitional justice - how societies deal with the transition from conflict or oppression - human rights, gender, international law, peace and conflict..
In Research Excellence Framework (REF) 2021, 82% of our Law research at Ulster has been rated as world-leading and internationally excellent, across outputs, impact and environment.
A research centre focused on how societies deal with the transition from conflict or oppression - human rights, gender, international...
Browse current research projects at TJI. Our research falls into four main themes - Dealing with the Past, Gender, International...
TJI offers several LLM courses including Gender, Conflict and Human Rights and Human Rights and Transitional Justice.
TJI hosts a lively and dynamic PhD cohort at our Belfast and Magee campuses.
TJI is made up of a large network of staff, students and researchers. Learn more about our team.