Our strategic approach

With over 25,000 students and approximately 2,000 staff, the University’s day to day activities have a considerable impact on the environment.

This site sets out the University’s strategic approach to managing its environmental impact and details the key initiatives both planned and in place to improve environmental performance.

The sustainability office can be contacted via sustainability@ulster.ac.uk

Sustainability Operations

Climate and Nature Positive image

Climate and Nature Positive

The Plan commits the University to a target of a 29% reduction in carbon emissions by 2020/21, from the baseline...

Biodiversity image


The primary objective of any landscaping should be to create a pleasant, aesthetic environment for staff, students and visitors to...

Education for Sustainable Development image

Education for Sustainable Development

Encouragement for all staff to consider how this global imperative can be developed and more explicitly embedded in all curricula....

Sustainable Procurement image

Sustainable Procurement

The University recognises its responsibility to conduct its purchasing activities in an environmentally responsible manner....

Sustainable travel image

Sustainable travel

The University has adopted a formal sustainable travel plan with the aim of encouraging staff, students and visitors to travel...

Policies and Performance image

Policies and Performance

Get more information on our sustainability policies.