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Learn how to support applicants in writing their UCAS personal statement and their preparation and performance in their interview.

Maximising impact at a face-to-face interview

The selection process of the BSc Hons Paramedic Science programme involves at 15 minute face to face interview.

Up to 200 applicants will be shortlisted for interview via their UCAS personal statement. Applicants are interviewed by two members of staff who have experience in teaching or supporting learning on the programme.

The purpose of the interviews is to provide an opportunity for applicants to demonstrate their enthusiasm for the programme, breadth of understanding of the evolving role of paramedics and readiness for undertaking the programme.

This webinar will provide information on the nature of the interview, the importance of applicants engaging effectively in the process and some thoughts on areas that Careers Advisors may wish to highlight to people applying for this programme.

Event info

This event has ended

Tuesday 21 January

7pm to 8pm
