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How studying at Ulster University benefits your business?

Our strong collaboration with industry is reflected in our dynamic course portfolio, cutting edge research and world-class facilities. We’re proud of our wide range of corporate partnerships and work with businesses to find the best upskilling solution for them; our knowledge can help develop and upskill your workforce, deliver expertise to help your business grow and find and keep new talent.

The immediate implementation of skills and expertise is at the heart of the learning experience we deliver. Each of our four Faculties work with employers and awarding bodies to develop our curriculum and have achieved extensive accreditation from a range of professional bodies, across our entire suite of programmes.

If we haven't provided you with all the information you need below, do not hesitate to contact us at

Benefits of Short and Professional Development Courses for your business and employees

1. Learn skills that can immediately contribute towards your business

Investing in employee development will help to indicate any gaps within your company, highlighting where skill levels need to be developed in order to help with your overall business goals.

2. Boost your benefits offering

Will demonstrate to your employees that you care and listen to your workforce, that you want them to succeed and develop within the company.

3. Strengthen your succession plan

Helping to develop your employees' skills, knowledge and confidence will ensure a pipeline of talent for your organisation’s future, effectively aiming to develop potential leaders within your company.

4. Retain and nurture your top talent

Nurturing your talent will result in a positive impact on your company by creating an engaged and committed workforce.

How your employees will learn from us

  • How

    Teaching is delivered primarily through lectures, seminars and tutorials as well as practical and field work where appropriate.  Many of our courses include assignments based on your live business challenges so that your staff can immediately transfer skills to real-world practice.

  • When

    We offer courses on a full-time and part-time basis and teaching may be delivered on campus, by e-Learning or a combination of both (blended or hybrid learning).

    Some of our short courses are delivered by block teaching which is an intensive period of learning e.g. three full days once or twice per semester (a semester is 12 weeks). This will help you and your employee to plan their study and work commitments.

  • Where

    In keeping with our commitment to deliver practical skills and expertise, we design our learnings spaces so that they reflect the real world.  Your team learn in the state-of-the-art facilities with industry standard equipment. Our architecture super-studio, award winning student run restaurant, tv studios, financial trading room, laboratories and art workshops are just some examples of how your employees can benefit from our investment in modern facilities which mirror what they experience in real world working.

  • Assessments

    Our assessments are designed to assess the achievement of the module’s stated learning outcomes, assessment methods vary and are defined explicitly in each module.

    The precise assessment will depend on the module and may be subject to change from year to year for quality or enhancement reasons. Your staff will be consulted about any significant changes.

    Coursework can take many forms, for example: essay, report, seminar paper, test, presentation, dissertation, design, artefacts, portfolio, journal, group work.

Find the right skills for your business

Our modules are the building blocks of our courses, and each module is designed so your employee can acquire a discrete package of skills and knowledge.  Many of our modules offer the additional benefit of accreditation by leading industry bodies and organizations.

Our accredited short courses cover a series of subject areas and the majority are linked to a Masters degree, allowing you to experience study at postgraduate level before applying to the full qualification.

Each short course is worth a number of credit points and can be taken individually or combined towards the Postgraduate Certificate of Professional Development (awarded once a total of 60 credit points have been completed). Once achieved, they can more onto the next award level following the successful completion of further study.

Helping your employees to progress to a higher-level qualification will help to ensure a pipeline of talent, including developing your company’s future leaders.

Short course options

Undertaking a short course may be the best option if a single module providers your employee with the required skills or if you want a taster before you and your employee commit to more extensive study.

Many of our courses are recognised by professional bodies and meet industry needs for Continuing Professional Development (CPD).

Short courses have various starting dates throughout the year.

We design our courses so that you can build your qualifications over-time. Your employees can complete a short course or module and then return to study additional modules and gain their Postgraduate Certificate, ideally within a 5-year timeframe.

Consider a Postgraduate Certificate of Professional Development

In consultation with employers and industry, we have developed a number of courses to deliver a discrete set of skills but which do not build towards a higher level award like a Masters. If choosing this path, the credit points cannot contribute to a Postgraduate Diploma or Masters.

Build their specialist skills with a Postgraduate Certificate (PG Cert) or Postgraduate Diploma (PG Dip)

A Postgraduate Certificate or a Postgraduate Diploma provides you with the discrete skills and expertise you need whilst providing your employee with a valuable and widely recognized award, and for some courses, the expertise needed for accreditations.

The Postgraduate Certificate and the Postgraduate Diploma reflect a combination of modules (skills) with the Postgraduate Certificate as the entry award level building towards Master level education.

Your employee can graduate with a Postgraduate Certificate, progress to a Postgraduate Diploma or even a Masters award. If you are not sure which award level or combination of modules will best meet your needs do not hesitate to contact our Postgraduate Team –

How a Masters can benefit the expertise of your employees

A Masters Programme will add specialist skills and expertise to your business and, through their dissertation, can provide your business access to the latest industry thinking and research.

A Masters programme is typically 180 credit point and a standard Masters programme on a full-time basis will take a year to complete. We offer a range of Masters programmes that can be taken full-time or part-time, with online options also available.

There are no restrictions to how long a part-time degree may take other than you ideally want to complete the degree within 5 years to ensure recency of content and skills acquired.

Important note: Some Maters programmes, like Masters of Fine Art and Masters of Architecture are 240 Credit Points.

Engage with us to build a custom course or a Higher Level Apprenticeship

If you have a group of employees who would benefit from the same training or skills development, it may be best for us to develop a course for your organisation. You would benefit from the latest industry thinking combined with immediate implementation in your organisation.

Get in touch to discuss your needs and how we can help you and your employees gather the knowledge and skills needed to develop your business. Add contact

Alternatively, you may wish to develop your workforce through Higher Level Apprenticeships.

Higher level apprenticeships offer school leavers (aged 16 or over), the opportunity to get a recognised qualification up to Masters level while in paid employment in the private sector. Most programmes are fully funded by the Department for the Economy, whilst some of the programmes require a small contribution from employers.

Apprentices combine working with studying to gain skills and knowledge in a specific job and to attain a higher level award.

Apprentices can be new or current employees.

You must pay the apprentice at least the minimum wage as outlined by the Government.

Contact the apprenticeship team at

Skill Up to Succeed with Ulster University

Employers across Northern Ireland require highly skilled professionals to drive their businesses forward.  Working in partnership with the Department for the Economy, we have developed a range of FREE postgraduate courses to ensure you have the skills and expertise to succeed.

You must be a resident in Northern Ireland to apply. Get more information on the courses, eligibility and the application process.

View the Skill Up website