At present, there are no on-campus clinics.
You can make an appointment with your local Health & Social Care Trust, order an at-home test for free via SH:24 or if you are located in Belfast, visit Common Youth.
Royal Hospital - 028 9615 2111 between 8.15am and 11am Monday to Friday to make an appointment. For more details visit the Belfast Health & Social Care Trust website.
Causeway Hospital - 028 7034 6028 available Monday-Friday from 9:00am-5:00pm. For more details visit the Northern Health & Social Care Trust website.
Altnagelvin Hospital - 028 7161 1269. For opening hours and further details visit the Western Health & Social Care Trust website.
Common Youth
Common Youth provides free, confidential sexual health services for young people aged 24 and under in both Coleraine and Belfast.
Staff consist of doctors, nurses, counsellors, information workers and receptionists who all have relevant, professional qualifications and experience in their field and in working with young people.
For details of services available visit the Common Youth website.
Pharmacy First
Students can also access advice and treatment for everyday health problems without having to wait for a GP (for example UTIs and hormonal contraception). For full details visit the Pharmacy First website.