At university, you are in control of your studies and your academic progress. However, if you are struggling, the Student Wellbeing team is here to help.
Introduction to skills for study
Find out how to develop the skills that will support your academic performance including research skills. Go to the student portal and click the 'Skills for Study' tile at the bottom. Sign in with Ulster University to get access to a range of study skills modules including; getting ready for academic study, time management, note taking and much more!
The Student Success Centre offers support from academic, maths and study skills, to useful resources and contact points to support throughout the learning journey. The team is there to help students navigate their academic journey, offering support, guidance, and resources tailored to their needs.
Ready Steady Resit: Access personalised support that will help you build your confidence and enhance your preparation for upcoming resit exams or assessments. Develop revision strategies, exam techniques and manager your time more effectively. You can also get access to virtual face to face support. For more information contact the Employability team.
Learning essentials
The Student Guide To Ulster - Student Guide provides useful links and resources for current students at Ulster including information on; courses and modules, exam assessments and appeals, fee’s and funding, disability and wellbeing support and much more.
Find out more about getting started on your academic journey with our guide to digital services at Ulster University.
You can also find out about resources supporting learning, teaching and research offered by campus library services on their webpages.
The Employability and Careers team provide expert advice, endless opportunities and a range of services and online resources to support your future career prospects.
Peer support
PASS (Peer Assisted Study Sessions) which offer peer mentoring may be available on your programme of study. To find out more contact your Course Directoror School office.
Support for students with disabilities/additional study needs
Student Wellbeing provides a variety of services for a range of disabilities to help you make the most of your time at Ulster University. Find out more at Disability - Student Wellbeing (
Extenuating circumstances
Extenuating circumstances (EC1)
If you have had personal or medical difficulties, which have prevented you from attending an exam, completing your work on time or completing your work to the best of your ability, then you may be able to submit an EC1 form due to extenuating circumstances.
You have to complete a form and provide evidence of your circumstances to your course director within 5 working days of the submission date of the coursework or exam.
EC1 evidence for a medical condition should come from your GP and evidence of having received counselling or therapeutic support needs to be provided by your counsellor or therapist. If you are accessing Student Wellbeing support you may also be able to ask your adviser for evidence.
You can download the EC1 form from the Ulster University Student Guide or by clicking through Absence & Extenuating Circumstances - Student Guide
Absence/taking a break from University
Absence from University can include being absent for more than three working days from study/class, taking a longer authorised temporary break from your studies through a Leave of Absence or completing withdrawing/deregistering from your course.
There are a range of steps that need be considered when you are absent or intend to take a leave of absence/deregister. Find out more at Take a leave of absence - Student Guide
Student Wellbeing are also on hand to support you at this time get in touch with Student Wellbeing.
Ulster University is committed to providing a high quality student experience to all of our students from enrolment to graduation. While we hope that you are satisfied with the experience that we offer we realise that sometimes there are things that fall short of what you expect and we would welcome the opportunity to improve them
If something goes wrong or you are unhappy, you can complain about the academic services and other services provided by the University. Find out more at Make a complaint - Student Guide
The Students’ Union Advice Bureau are also available to support you with the complaints process.
Student Wellbeing are also on hand to support you at this time get in touch with Student Wellbeing.
You have the right to appeal, in appropriate circumstances, against a decision of a Board of Examiners or a Faculty Board or a Campus Progress and Award Board. Appeals guidance and forms can be found at Examination Appeals - Student Guide
The Students’ Union Advice Bureau are also available to support you with the appeals process.
Student Wellbeing are also on hand to support you at this time get in touch with Student Wellbeing.