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Evacuation Guidance and PEEPs

The Student Wellbeing team assesses and provides ongoing support for approximately 2500 students with disabilities at Ulster University.

A significant majority of the students that we support will experience little difficulty with safe and independent egress from any of the University buildings in the event of an emergency.

In a small number of cases however, this may not be possible and those students will require a Personal Emergency Evacuation Plan (PEEP) to assist with safe egress.

Your AccessAbility Adviser will discuss this requirement with you when completing your initial or review assessment and recommendations will be included in your Reasonable Adjustment Recommendations report (RAR).

The links below provide more information for emergency evacuation from each campus.





SafeZone on campus

Emergency contacts

On campus: Extension 22222
Off campus: 028 70123456


SafeZone is a free app that connects you to the University security team 24/7 if you ever need urgent help, first aid or if you have an emergency while on campus.

Available for download icon