Welcome Home

24/7 Support

Our ResLife team aren’t 9-5, we have staff working around the clock to support you with whatever is happening – you may have lost your key, need a lightbulb changed, had an argument with a friend or just can’t sleep. You’ll always find a friendly face and a listening ear!


Two men sitting down in conversation

Get Involved

You might not know anyone in student accommodation and that can be scary but remember, everyone is in the same position and a hello can make a huge difference – you might even make a new bestie.

Moving In Weekend is your first opportunity to make new connections. We organise block mixers for you to meet your housemates and neighbours, we’ve live music and lots of free food including pizza and chips.

During Welcome Week and Freshers the fun continues with a treasure hunt, movie night and Game of Thrones tour.

Freshers fun

Women playing pool

Make Yourself at Home

Feeling homesick is completely natural but there are things to do to make your student accommodation feel like a home away from home.

Pack some of your favourite things:

  • photos
  • books
  • plants
  • pyjamas
  • even a childhood teddy

Learn to cook a favourite family meal and recreate it for your new uni family.

Don’t go home every weekend. Stay and arrange fun activities with your housemates and make new memories.

Stay in touch – if you are missing your family and friends at home, pick up the phone, facetime them or send them a few pics of what you are up too.

Remember, if you are finding it difficult to settle in, don’t keep it to yourself. Chat to the Reslife team, they’ve loads of experience and want to make your time in student accommodation amazing.


Men and women eating cake in the kitchen