Tip #1 Stay Active.

The first tip is to ‘Stay Active’, whether that be spending time at the gym, running, walking it’s important to stay active in your day-to-day life. Regular physical activity allows for a greater wellbeing!

Tip #2 Time for Yourself.

Tip #2 Time for Yourself.

A balance between work and play is great to achieve a great wellbeing! Meet up with friends or family, enjoy one of your hobbies or just chill with your favourite TV show.

Whether that be with yourself, friends or family taking time to de-stress and enjoy your time doing things you love.

Tip #3 Spend Time in Nature.

Tip #3 Spend Time in Nature.

Being outside in nature settings can soothe the mind allowing you to de-stress and bring peace to your mind.

Tip #4 Learn Something New.

Tip #4 Learn Something New.

A great way to boost your wellbeing is to learn something new. You’re well on your way with studying for your exams. Why not try learning how to cook a new dish as well? It’ll give you a well-earned break from your studies and will really help you when you start living on your own or having friends round for dinner.

Tip #5 Talking to Somebody.

Tip #5 Talking to Somebody.

It’s always good to talk to friends and family. Meet up for lunch, take a walk together or just hang out with a mate. We’re social beings so be social! If you are feeling down, talk to your family or a teacher about it. There are lots of people who want to help you stay safe and well!