Navigating the complexities of a placement while still keeping up with personal commitments can feel like an overwhelming task.

As a placement student, mastering the art of time management has become not just a skill, but a necessity for my survival in the fast-paced work environment.


In my quest to achieve the perfect balance between work, and life, I've learned a few invaluable lessons along the way.

Firstly, prioritisation is key.

With a never-ending to-do list of workloads looming over my head, I've had to become adept at identifying the most pressing tasks and tackling them head-on. Whether it's meeting deadlines for work projects, I've learned to prioritize my tasks based on urgency and importance.

Setting Goals

Setting realistic goals of what is doable has also been instrumental in helping me manage my time effectively. Instead of overwhelming myself with an unrealistic workload, I've learned to break down my tasks into smaller, more manageable chunks.

By setting achievable goals for each day or week, I've been able to maintain a sense of focus and momentum without feeling overwhelmed.


Of course, no amount of planning can account for a last-minute curveball thrown my way.

Flexibility is key when it comes to time management, and I’ve learned to adapt and pivot when things don't go according to plan.

Whether it's unexpected work deadlines or last-minute hang outs with friends, I've learned to embrace change and roll with the punches.


A group of friends linking arms

Self Care

Perhaps most importantly, I've come to realize the importance of self-care in maintaining a healthy work-life balance. In the midst of deadlines and responsibilities, it's all too easy to neglect my own interests.

However, I've learned that taking breaks, and making time for activities I enjoy are essential for staying motivated and productive in the long run.

As I continue on my journey as a placement student, I know that mastering the art of time management will remain an ongoing challenge.

However, equipped with the lessons I've learned and a newfound sense of resilience, I'm confident that I can navigate the demands of work, study, and life with grace and willpower.

After all, time waits for no one, and it's up to me to make the best of any situation I find myself.