Tip #1 Keep Organised.

The first tip is to Keep Organised! Whether that be with keeping your physical files in a file block or keeping your digital files neatly within folders.

It is important that you keep all your class materials, notes and reading organised so that you can access them easily!

Tip #2 Study Plan.

Tip #2 Study Plan.

Keeping organised really helps, and it’s not just for your notes. Make a study plan so you give yourself enough time on each subject, also include exam and coursework deadlines to stay on top of everything. Once you’ve made your plan, stick to it!

Tip #3 Study Space.

Tip #3 Study Space.

Finding a good study space is important, whether that be at school, at home or at your local coffee shop or library. Make sure your study space is clean and tidy with no distractions so you can make the most of your study time.

Tip #4 Study Buddy.

Tip #4 Study Buddy.

Sometimes it’s easier to study with a friend. A study buddy can help by being able to explain the material to each other, quiz each other, keep on top of deadlines and know you’re not alone!

Tip #5 Breaks.

Tip #5 Breaks.

Remember to take regular breaks. This gives you time to recharge and refocus. And sleep is important too. Try to get 7-8 hours each night. Also, when studying for an exam or working on coursework to take regular breaks ensuring you take time to relax!

Bonus Tip! Reward Yourself

Bonus Tip! Reward Yourself

Remember to reward yourself. Studying is hard work, and you deserve to celebrate when you complete a topic or score well on a practice test. Take a walk, enjoy an episode of your favourite show, or catch up with friends knowing you’ve worked hard and revised well!

Improve Your Study Skills

Improve Your Study Skills

This free course from UU provides pupils with the skills and techniques they need to use to be successful in revising and ultimately recalling key information for exams.

During the course you will have the opportunity to take part in five interactive lessons covering a range of topics including, Creating a study zone, Learning how our brains learn, Study Skill Techniques, Active Recall and some tips on how to look after your own wellbeing. The course also includes a free downloadable Study Skills pack for students to use.

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