You don't have to spend a fortune on stuff you think you need for uni. Follow our tips and checklist and you'll be packed and ready for Ulster in no time!

Make a list

Think about what you really need to bring and make a list so you only have to purchase or pack essentials.

Check with your accommodation provider on what items are provided and what you need to bring.

A Shopper

Person looking a phone in a shop

The essentials




The nice to haves

Now you have all your essentials sorted, if you have any spare cash, you may want to pick up a few extras to make your student accommodation feel more like home.


Bring your family, friends and pets with you by filling your room with lots of photos.  Why not create a collage board with some of your favourite memories or check out online printer options. Remember to check your contract before attaching anything to your walls as any damage could affect your deposit.

Cute Bedroom Accessories

A fluffy blanket, cushions, plants and fairy lights can turn the simplest of rooms into a cosy haven. Bring all your favourites from home as familiar surroundings will help you settle into your new home. If bringing fairy lights, make sure to choose battery operated ones as not all accommodation providers allow electric versions and best to stay clear of candles.

Warm clothes

If you are renting privately, you are responsible for your heating bills and might have to adjust how long you switch the heating on for from living at home. But you don't have to be cold - warm socks, slippers and a must have, blanket hoodie will help to warm you up on a cold day.

What to watch

If you are bringing a TV with you or planning to watch via a tablet or laptop, make sure you check if you need a TV licence. Before you purchase a streaming subscription, ask your flatmates if they want to share the cost and save some money.

Girl online shopping

Girl thinking while sitting at a laptop

Where to shop


Before you start splashing the cash on new stuff, ask family, friends and neighbours if they have anything they no longer use or need.


Charity shops are a treasure trove of goodies so get exploring to find the perfect items at a fraction of the cost. If you prefer to shop online, check out pre-loved stores such as Vinted or eBay.

Shop around

Don't buy the first thing you see, check different stores and compare the costs. Something on the High Street may cost more than your local supermarket and discount stores could save you even more.

The most important thing to remember is that whatever you bring to uni will have to be packed up at the end of the year so keep it minimal. If you forget a spoon or a  wooden spoon, asking to borrow something from someone you live with is a great ice-breaker!