Hey there fellow student!

So, you’ve been thrown into the Uni lifestyle and let’s be real, money is a big deal. In this blog, I will cover some practical tips to help you keep your finances in check while still having a good time.

Mastering the Art of Budgeting

Budgeting isn’t as scary or as boring as it sounds. Start by listing all the money you bring in whether this be from a part time job, allowances or student loans.

Then workout what you’re spending it on – rent, groceries, textbooks and socialising. Knowing where your money is going is the first step to staying on top of your finances.

Keep an Eye on your Spending

Ever had that sinking feeling when you check your bank account? Yeah, me too.

That’s why it is important to keep tabs on your spending. Whether you use an app or just write down your expenses; it helps to see where your money is really going.

It might even help you spot some sneaky spending habits that might be draining your bank account faster than you realise.

Save, Save and Save

Saving money seems impossible when you’re living on a tight budget, but trust me, it’s doable.

Even if it is only sparing a few quid here and there, setting money aside for emergencies or future goals is a game-changer.

So try to start small and watch those savings grow over time, you will thank yourself later.

Piggy Bank

Money dropping into a piggy bank

Avoid Additional Debt

Ahh, student loans. While it is tempting to borrow more than you need, remember that you will have pay back everything later with interest.

Try to explore other options for funding your education, like scholarships or work-study programs and borrow only what you absolutely need.

Reach out for Support

Finally, don’t be afraid to ask for help if you’re feeling overwhelmed.

Whether it’s talking to Student Wellbeing or just venting to a friend, there are plenty of resources available to help you navigate the ins and outs of your student finances.

Student Wellbeing

Student Wellbeing team talking to a student

So there you have it – my top tips for managing your money like a pro at uni. It might not be easy, but with a little planning you’ve got this.