What is Fresher's Flu?

The common illness that often affects students during their first few weeks at university has been nicknamed “The Freshers Flu”. It’s not technically the flu but rather a term used to describe a collection of symptoms caused by the spread of germs in shared spaces.

As students spend time together in communal areas and during activities both in and out of class, germs spread more easily, leading to this temporary illness.

The most common symptoms of Freshers Flu resemble a cold or mild flu.

6 Symptoms to Watch Out For

Fresher's Flu typically lasts for a week or two, after which your immune system builds up resistance.

How to Relieve Symptoms

Maintain Good Health

Eating a balanced diet rich in vitamin C, fruits, and vegetables can boost your immune system and give your body the strength it needs to fight off germs.

If your appetite is lacking whilst being ill, supplements like Berocca can provide essential vitamins to support your health and help fight off this cold.

Stay Hydrated

Drink plenty of water to help flush out toxins from your system and a hot tea is great to soothe a sore throat.

While over the counter medications aren’t a cure, they can certainly ease your symptoms. Paracetamol, Ibuprofen and other cold and flu brands such as Sudafed & Vicks can help alleviate discomfort.

Please check with your GP or Pharmacist before taking any medication.


Taking a few nights off from socialising to catch up on sleep will aid your recovery and prevent spreading illness to others.  Get your coziest jammies on, select a good box set and relax.


Keeping up with hygiene by washing your hands or using hand sanitiser regularly will help you avoid picking up or spreading germs.


Finally, don’t neglect your mental health. If you aren’t feeling well, you may become overwhelmed with study deadlines.

Let your Course Director know if your struggling and if you can't make it to class, ask a friend to share their notes so you can catch up. You can also reach out to the Wellbeing team for support and remember, taking a little time to recover will ensure you recover quickly and can get back to all aspects of student life.

Taking care of your physical and mental health is essential, especially when it comes to preventing or dealing with Fresher's Flu. Prioritise rest, good habits, and self-care to ensure you stay healthy and make the most of your university experience. Start building these habits now and your future self will thank you!

Reminder: If systems don’t improve after a few days, please speak to your GP for advice.