Navigating the terrain of corporate communication can feel like entering a battlefield for those unfamiliar with its intricacies.

Prepare to conquer the challenges ahead

This guide aims to equip you with the necessary armour to navigate the minefield that is Outlook.

But who am I, you may wonder? I am a fellow student who has spent the last six months entrenched in the trenches of work placement.

Throughout this journey, I've had to endure a baptism of fire, learning the dos and don'ts of email etiquette in the workplace. Effective communication is a skill not for the faint-hearted; it demands resilience in the face of setbacks, a willingness to learn from mistakes and unwavering determination.

So, let's embark on this journey together and prepare to conquer the challenges ahead!

Deploy Strategic Subject Lines

Treat your email subject lines like covert operations.

Make them concise and informative, giving your recipient a clear mission objective.

Avoid cryptic messages that leave your allies scratching their heads.

Student on laptop

Student on laptop

Mobilise the CC and BCC Forces

Use the CC (Carbon Copy) and BCC (Blind Carbon Copy) features wisely. CC allies who need to be kept in the loop but be cautious not to overload inboxes with unnecessary information. Utilise BCC sparingly and ethically, ensuring you're not breaching trust or confidentiality.

Every word counts

In the battlefield of workplace emailing, every word counts, so avoid saying "you're welcome." It's like throwing a grenade of unnecessary data into your recipient's inbox, causing more clutter than clarity.

Sharp and to the point

Keep your emails sharp and to the point to avoid getting caught in the crossfire of wasted time.

Using Emojis

Emojis may seem harmless, but they can be the enemy's trojan horse in your professional communication arsenal.

While some may view them as the downfall of civilised discourse, they're a battlefield you'll inevitably encounter.

My tactic? Only use emojis if the other party initiates them. It's better to be cautious than to risk triggering a mine of misinterpretation.

Don't be a burden commander

Don't be a burden commander; instead, lighten the load for your fellow soldiers.

With everyone already knee-deep in their own trenches of tasks, it's crucial not to add more ammunition to their workload.

Before launching an email, strategise: "How can I make this as easy as possible to respond to?"

For instance, if you're missing intel from a meeting, try to rally your own troops to gather what they remember before calling in reinforcements.


Girl working on a laptop

Signing Off

In the midst of the email warzone, your sign-off is your final salute.

Choose your weapon wisely.

If you haven't called in reinforcements or received a crucial document, opt for "Kind Regards" over "Many Thanks."

Matching your sign-off to the mission at hand shows you're a seasoned soldier in the battle for professional etiquette.

The Conclusion

As we conclude this guide to navigating the email battlefield, remember that effective communication in the corporate world is not just a skill—it's a strategic advantage.

Hopefully, armed with the knowledge provided, you’ll be better equipped to manoeuvre through the complexities of this workplace communication warzone.