#1 Enjoy a bit of down time

This has been a stressful year

Revision, exams, uni applications, and seeing your friends in the school environment for the last time can leave you feeling overwhelmed.

So, take a little time to yourself to reset and enjoy life. Meet up with friends, go on a trip and just have fun.

You’ve earned it!

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#2 Get a summer job

A summer job is a great way to boost your bank balance and fund those summer shenanigans.

Also, a part time job is a great way to learn skills to add to your CV and increase your future career prospects.

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#3 Learn a new skill

You may be done with learning for a while, but why not consider using your summer downtime to pick up a new skill such as cooking, first aid or driving?

Something that will come in handy and a life skill that will help you in the future.

You may also want to venture into something fun like crocheting, roller-skating or even upcycling old furniture... what’s stopping you!?

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#4 Plan for university

For anyone hoping to go to university this September, Ulster University has a handy online space filled with information and resources to help you get ready for whatever comes next... say hello to the Application Tracker!

The Application Tracker has invaluable information for preparing for university including your applications status, Spotify playlists, and everything you need for attending Ulster University.

Check your inbox for the link to your personal Application Tracker and save any resources before the 22 July when Application Tracker will retire ahead of the UCAS Results Embargo.

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#5 Plan for Results Day

We really hope everything goes your way when you get your results in August.

Whatever happens on the day; whether you decide you want to pursue a different course, if you do better than expected, or if you don’t get the grades you want, Ulster has a range of support services to help you navigate the big day!

Visit our dedicated Results Day support pages which include information on how the results process works and the live resources available to support students.

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