Goal setting: Your Key to Academic Success

Setting clear, achievable goals is the foundation of academic success, so take the time to plan them properly.

It does not matter if you are at the beginning of your academic journey or you want to enhance your current study strategies, goal setting can be beneficial at any stage.

So why is goal setting important in your academic journey?

Consider breaking larger goals into smaller tasks, then you can create a realistic study schedule. This will avoid you needing to cram a lot of work in at the last minute and will avoid unnecessary stress .

Reviewing your goals is just as important as creating them. This enables you to monitor your progress and help you to stay on track.

It is important to celebrate success when you achieve a goal or finish a task and it is these small victories that will keep you motivated and boost your confidence.

Goal Setting Mind Map

Mind maps allow you to visually organise your thoughts and ideas, helping to clearly define goals and break them down into smaller, manageable tasks then you can prioritise your efforts effectively.

This process encourages brainstorming and creative thinking, which can lead to the discovery of new goals and innovative ways to achieve them.

The visual nature of mind maps aids in better retention and recall of information, making it easier for students to remember their goals and the steps required to achieve them.

Creating a Mind maps helps you to identify the resources you may need and any challenges you might face, allowing for better planning and preparation.

As you make progress, you can update your mind map, providing a clear visual representation of your achievements and remaining tasks.


Ensure your goals are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound.

Here let us consider an example of a SMART goal.

S I will pass my first semester exams for all my modules and achieve at least a 65% average grade.
M I will track my progress by completing all assigned readings, attending all lectures and tutorials, and completing all practice exams and assignments. I will monitor my grades on assignments and quizzes throughout the semester to ensure I am on track.
A I will study for at least 15 hours each week, breaking down the study time into focused sessions for each module. I will seek help from my lecturers and attend study groups for subjects I find challenging.
R Passing my first semester exams with a good grade is essential for maintaining my academic standing and confidence as I continue my university education.
T I will achieve this goal by the end of the semester, with the exams scheduled for January . I will create a detailed study schedule starting from now until the exam period.

Tips for Effective Goal Setting

Goal setting is a powerful practice that can help you clarify your objectives, stay focused, and ultimately achieve success in various aspects of your life, below are some tips to help you set your goals.

  • Set SMART Goals

    Ensure your goals are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound.

  • Read and Visualise your Goals 

    Writing your goal down and placing it somewhere you can see strengthens your commitment to achieving your goal by providing clarification and focus.

    Pin it  to your wall, keep it in your notebook, or store it on your phone.

    When reading your goal, visualise how it will look and feel when you have achieved it.

    Visualisation is essential for goal achievement as it enables you to clarify objectives, maintain focus, and increase motivation.

    When you create a clear mental image of your goals, you can develop a deeper understanding of what you want to achieve.

  • Break them Down

    Breaking your main goal down into smaller goals or tasks enhances goal setting by making the process more manageable, structured, and motivating.

    Here is an example of how you can break a goal into smaller, more manageable tasks.

    Main Goal:

    • Achieve a First-Class Honors degree (70% or higher in all courses) this academic year.

    Smaller Goals:

    1. Course Planning and Organisation
      • Review the module handbooks and understand your course syllabus (week 1).
      • Create a semester calendar to include important dates, such as lectures, seminars, and assignment deadlines (1 week).
    2. Weekly Study and Assignment Plan
      • Allocate specific times for study associated with each module (ongoing). Remember each module will have a specific amount of independent learning outlined in the module handbook.
      • Develop a weekly plan for independent reading, lectures, and dedicated time on assignments (ongoing).
    3. Preparing for Exams and Major Assignments
      • Keep on top of note-making on a daily or weekly basis.
      • Start early!
    4. Completing Assignments
      • Refer to the module handbook, make sure you understand your assignment brief and consult the rubric.
      • Refer to the module reading list, read and then make notes relevant to your assignment.
      • Plan the structure for your assignment. Keep a record of relevant evidence for when you need to prepare the reference list.
      • Read, review and re-draft assignments.
      • Use Studiosity to help improve the academic quality of your work before submitting assignments.
    5. Utilising Resources and Support
      • Attend all scheduled classes (ongoing).
      • Utilise the library and online resources for research (ongoing).
      • Chat to your peers about forming a study group for modules you need extra support with (ongoing).
    6. Maintaining Health and Well-being
      • Maintain a balanced diet and exercise regularly. Do not sacrifice these things coming up to deadlines (ongoing).
      • Set aside time for relaxation, social activities, and hobbies (ongoing).
      • Use university support services like Student Wellbeing if you need them (ongoing).

    Here are some suggestions for how you can celebrate small success to maintain motivation.

    Suggestions to celebrate success
    Monday Review syllabi and create a calendar with SMART goals Watch your favourite show
    Tuesday Undertake independent reading  Enjoy your favourite snack
    Wednesday Review lecture notes and make your own notes Take a walk outside
    Thursday Attend your seminars and speak to your lecturer if you have questions or issues Relax doing a hobby
    Friday Join a study group session for a difficult module Enjoy a movie

    By breaking down the goal of "achieving a First-Class Honor's degree" into smaller, manageable tasks, you can approach each week with clear objectives, which will help reduce overwhelm and provide to celebrate progress.

  • Plan Do Review 

    Be prepared to change things up!

    Sometimes goals need to be modified in order for you to be successful in what you want to achieve.

    The "Plan-Do-Review" cycle is a structured approach commonly used in goal setting to effectively manage progress and ensure continuous improvement. It is continuous and each phase informs the next.

    Image of a circle with plan do review

    1. Plan: This involves setting clear, specific, and achievable goals. It is crucial to define the objectives you want to accomplish and outline the steps required to achieve them. This includes identifying resources needed, establishing timelines, and setting milestones to track progress. During this phase, it is essential to consider potential obstacles and develop strategies to overcome them.
    2. Do: Take action! This phase involves implementing the plan and carrying out the activities outlined in the goal-setting process.
    3. Review: After completing the actions outlined in the plan, it is important to evaluate your progress. During the review phase, reflect on what worked well, what could be improved, and identify challenges encountered along the way. Think about why and how challenges arose or when you did not stick to your schedule, then find a solution in case they arise again. Based on this evaluation, adjust your plan for the next week or your next assignment. Revise and set new goals if needed.

    You can effectively manage your efforts by planning your goals, taking action and critically reviewing your progress, which will help you to achieve your goals.


At Ulster University we believe that every student has the opportunity to achieve their full potential and aspiration .

An important factor in realising this potential is your motivation to succeed.

Once the excitement of starting university dissipates and assignment deadlines approach, staying motivated becomes essential for your academic success.

Here are some ways in which maintaining motivation can help you with your academic studies.

1. Setting and Achieving Goals

Motivation helps you set clear, achievable goals and gives you the drive to reach them. Whether it's doing well on an exam, completing a group project, or scoring over 70% in a course, having a motivated mindset will keep you focused on your academic success.

2. Overcoming Challenges

Motivation is the fuel that keeps you going when things get tough, and university life can be filled with challenges. Managing assignment deadlines, balancing social, work and academic life as well as any caring responsibilities you might have, can be demanding. Staying motivated helps you push through these difficult times.

3. Enhancing Learning and Retention

When you are motivated, you are more engaged and enthusiastic about your studies. This leads to better learning and retention of information. Motivated students are more likely to participate in class, seek help when needed, and take the extra time to explore their subjects further, enhancing their knowledge and understanding.

4. Building Self-Discipline

Being motivated can help you develop self-discipline skills. These can help you stick to a study schedule, meet deadlines, and avoid procrastinating. Developing self-discipline is beneficial for your academic journey and will also benefit your future career.

5. Creating a Positive Mindset

A positive mindset and motivated attitude go hand in hand. Look at challenges as learning opportunities can transform your university experience. A positive and motivated attitude can open doors to new experiences and possibilities, making your time at university more enjoyable.

Tips to Stay Motivated

Motivation is the driving force behind your actions, helping you stay focused, overcome obstacles, and achieve your objectives.

Motivation can fluctuate, so here are some strategies to help boost your motivation.

  • Set Clear Goals

    Use the S.M.A.R.T Principle to set your goals

  • Stay Organised

    Use planners or digital tools to keep track of assignments and deadlines.

    Here are some examples of  online tools:

    1. Trello: A flexible project management tool that uses boards, lists, and cards. Students can create a board for each course, with lists for assignments, exams, and other tasks. Cards can include due dates, attachments, and checklists.
    2. Notion: An all-in-one workspace that allows students to take notes, create databases, set reminders, and more. Notion's customisable templates are great for tracking assignments and deadlines.
    3. Google Calendar - Sign in to Access & Edit Your Schedule: A widely used calendar tool that integrates well with other Google services. Students can create events for each assignment and deadline, set reminders, and share calendars with classmates.
    4. Microsoft OneNote: A note-taking app that allows students to organize notes by notebooks, sections, and pages. OneNote can also integrate with Outlook for setting reminders and deadlines.
    5. Todoist: a Task management app that helps students organise tasks by projects, set deadlines, and create recurring tasks. Todoist also offers integrations with other apps like Google Calendar and Slack.
    6. Asana: A project management tool that helps students organise and track their assignments with tasks, subtasks, and due dates. Asana also supports collaboration with classmates on group projects.
    7. My Study Life: A planner specifically designed for students. It allows students to keep track of their class schedules, assignments, and exams all in one place.
    8. Evernote: A note-taking app that supports task management features. Students can create to-do lists, set reminders, and organise their notes by notebooks and tags.

    These tools can help students stay organised, manage their time effectively, and ensure they meet their academic deadlines.

  • Find Your Passion

    Connect your studies to your interests and career aspirations. Doing so makes you more likely to take initiative, seek additional learning opportunities, and go beyond the minimum requirements.

    Studying subjects you are interested in can transform your learning experience from feeling like a chore to feeling passionate.

    This alignment will turn your education from a series of tasks into a meaningful journey toward your future career.

  • Seek Support

    Surround yourself with supportive friends, peers, and mentors and consider forming study groups.

    Supportive friends and fellow students provide encouragement during stressful times, helping you to maintain a positive outlook.

    Study groups can be useful when making notes, and is an opportunity to share textbooks, and other resources. A friend might allow you to read their notes from a lecture you could not attend, ensuring you do not fall behind.

    Surrounding yourself with positive and motivating people will:

    • Enhance your learning experience
    • Help reduces stress
    • Build your confidence
    • Provide emotional encouragement
    • Provide accountability
    • Bring together diverse perspectives
    • Provide networking opportunities
    • Develop a sense of belonging to a community

    All of these will contribute to your overall motivation and success at Ulster.

    If you are stuck and don’t know where to begin when setting goals get in touch with someone in the Student Success Centre.

    Email: uusucces@ulster.ac.uk

  • Celebrate Achievements

    Reward yourself for reaching milestones, no matter how small. Celebrating these achievements helps to maintain your motivation by providing  positive reinforcement, it boosts your confidence and reduces stress.  By practicing  the celebration  of reaching milestones  you can ensure your academic journey  is a rewarding and  enjoyable experience which makes it easier to stay motivated throughout your academic studies.

    A word cloud with ideas of rewards to celebrate small wins. Ideas include going a walk or run, having a bath, listening to music, calling a friend or having a sleep.

At Ulster we are committed to helping you stay motivated. We can encourage you to stay motivated and if you need support or advice contact us.

Remember your course director or academic lecturer, are also there to support you.