Student allyship training aims to support the development of an inclusive environment and reinforce the values that make our university a welcoming place for everyone.
You are part of the Ulster University community. Explore and attend events and workshops throughout the year to have the best student experience.
Student allyship training aims to support the development of an inclusive environment and reinforce the values that make our university a welcoming place for everyone.
An inclusion and belonging initiative designed for students to acquire knowledge and understanding of the key concepts and principles of Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI).
Learn with Purpose workshop encourages curiosity, active attendance, and deep understanding through interactive learning strategies. Fostering meaningful engagement in lectures, discussions, and independent study to enhance knowledge retention and critical thinking.
The Imposter Phenomenon (IP) session helps students understand and address self-doubt, boosting confidence for placements and academic study.
We understand mature learners balance education with other responsibilities. This workshop supports your transition to Ulster.