
NVivo is a software for Microsoft Windows that supports qualitative and mixed-methods research.

You can import, organise and analyse data from interviews, focus group discussions, surveys, audio and social media data, YouTube videos, and web pages.

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  • Download NVIVO 

    You can download NVIVO to your device for free via the digital services software downloads tile on the Ulster University Student Portal

    For further information on software downloads for students

  • Generate a New Project

    To generate a new project in NVIVO follow these simple steps:

    Step 1. Open NVIVO, select 'Blank Project'.

    Step 2. In the pop up box give your project a 'Title' and you can also add a short description, but this is not compulsory. Then select 'ok'.

    You can import data sources such as text, audio, video, emails, images, spreadsheets, online surveys, web content and social media, to NVIVO for data management.

    NVIVO provide a 'Quick Start' video guide. Watch the tutorial to get you started with importing data and setting up files.

  • Getting Started

    NVIVO have tutorials covering the following aspects:

    1. A general overview and importing data.
    2. How to code, create cases (the units of analysis) and give them attributes (descriptive information).
    3. How to explore the data by running a word frequency query, create a word cloud, and create charts.

    For further information visit the NVIVO website