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Modern cars are quite difficult to steal without key, though windows remain as easily broken as they always were, particularly when there is something tempting inside. Some helpful tips to stay car-safe:

  • Park in well-lit areas. Sounds obvious, but it’s basic crime prevention
  • Paying? Just because a site is a pay carpark, it doesn’t mean it’s any more secure
  • Do not leave items on display in your car. A window takes seconds to break and a laptop is stolen….put it in the boot
  • Do not leave loose change on display. It might only be a few quid to you, but it could be a lot more to someone else
  • Secure it. It’s amazing how many people don’t check their doors…never trust your central locking
  • Older Vehicles. Consider the use of increased physical security measures, go to soldsecure for further advice
  • Follow the parking regulations in the local community
Unknown Vehicles

Unknown Vehicles

If you think you are being followed by an unknown vehicle or feel threatened it is best to err on the side of caution and call the police immediately on 999.  Other practical steps you can take to protect yourself include:

  • Shout and set off your personal attack alarm.  Personal alarms are a good deterrent
  • Get away as quickly as possible
  • Make a note of the car’s registration number and the driver’s description
  • Write down details as soon as possible afterwards and phone us to report the incident
Information for International Students

Information for International Students

While you’re in Northern Ireland you may want to hire or buy a car – before doing so you should check that you meet all the legal requirements.

Please remember that by law you must wear a seatbelt when travelling by car in Northern Ireland. It is illegal to drink and drive in Northern Ireland.