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Leave of absence form

Complete if you are taking a break from studies and intend to return.

Notification of Absence NA1 form

Complete if absent for more than 3 days for medical or personal reasons.

Withdrawal form

The Withdrawal form is to be used if you are thinking about leaving your course.

Change of Address form

Complete if you need to change your address. Return form to your campus Registry Office.

Change of name form

Registered students can submit an online request for a change of legal or preferred name.

Extenuating Circumstances EC1 form

Complete if extenuating circumstances apply to your performance in coursework or an examination.

Course transfer form

Following discussions with the appropriate Course Directors, you can apply for a change of course.

Module change form

Complete to change your module.

Direct debit form

Use this Direct Debit form if you are unable to complete electronically during Online Enrolment.

Tuition fee refund application form

Complete if you are eligible for a tuition fee refund.

Staff tuition fee exemption form

For Ulster University staff on an approved programme of study applying for fee exemption.

Digital Claimant Portal

Students should visit the Digital Claimant Portal to complete one of the following forms:

  • Prior Approval Form
  • Demonstrator Claim Form
  • Student Wages Claim Form
  • Reimbursed Expenses Form
  • Subsidiary Payroll Form
Image for Visit the claimant portal

SA1 / SA2 Forms

Appeals guidance and forms.

Deferment of assessment

Complete to defer the first sitting of an examination or coursework to the supplementary period.