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Sponsored Students

If your employer, a government agency or any other organisation is paying your fees, you must upload your sponsor letter on their headed paper in advance of registration using the Upload Your Sponsor Letter button below.

A sponsor letter is not required if you are studying a Higher Level Apprenticeship (HLA) or have a commissioned place from your HSC Trust / Dept of Health.

To proceed on online enrolment, click sponsor as your payment method.

Important Information

  • Sponsored Letter needed in advance of registration

    To complete registration, you must upload your sponsor letter on their headed paper in advance of registration using the Upload Your Sponsor Letter button above.

    Students that are being sponsored but have not uploaded their sponsor letter in advance of registration will be treated as self-funding at registration.

    Once treated as self-funding, the University will not subsequently accept a sponsor letter and will have to reclaim monies paid directly from their sponsor.

  • Essential information to be included in your sponsor letter

    The sponsor letter must include the following information and be uploaded in advance of registration.

    • Student registration number
    • Course title
    • Academic year being sponsored
    • The value (£) of the sponsorship
    • Sponsor billing name and address for which we can raise an invoice when you register for the course
    • Sponsor contact name and telephone number
    • Sponsor contact email address to which the invoice will be issued
    • If you sponsor requires a purchase order number to be quoted on the invoice, this should be included on the sponsor letter.

    You will not be able to complete registration until we have processed your sponsor letter

  • Partially funded students

    Where your sponsor is only part paying your fees, you will be required to pay any personal contribution or set up an instalment plan at registration.

  • Should your Sponsor fail to pay

    As a sponsored student you are responsible for ensuring that your tuition fees are paid in full.

    • If your sponsor fails to pay all your tuition fees within 30 days of the invoice date, we will cancel the invoice and the payment of fees will revert to you.  You will then be required to pay the fees in full.
    • If you leave your sponsor's employment and they have failed to pay your tuition fees, we will treat you as self-funding and you will be required to pay the full balance of your fees.

    Sanctions will be applied for non-payment in accordance with university policy.