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Evidence is required in support of your application for financial support.

Ensure you have this ready to submit with your application.

Before submitting your application for financial support, ensure you have gathered all of the required evidence to support your application. All students must submit evidence from sections 1 - 3 and if applicable, section 4.

Failure to submit evidence will cause delays in processing your application.

  • 1. Evidence of fee funding

    Nursing Students - BSO Bursary letter of confirmed entitlement

    ROI/EU students – Student Finance EU tuition fee loan confirmation letter & SUSI confirmation letter (ROI only).

    International students - Evidence that fees have been fully paid or a payment plan has been arranged with the Fees office.

    PhD Students – Scholarship letter detailing stipend

    If you are not eligible for funding due to previous study – Evidence that fees have been fully paid or a payment plan has been arranged with the Fees office.

  • 2. Evidence of living arrangements

    If you are not living with parents or guardians full-time, you will need to upload evidence for one of the following:

    Living in Halls – Confirmation letter detailing total amount due.

    Living in rented housing - Tenancy agreement detailing clearly showing your name, address and monthly amount payable (Tenancy deposit scheme receipts cannot be accepted in lieu of a full tenancy)

    Homeowner - Mortgage statement detailing your name, address and monthly amount payable.

  • 3. Evidence of your current financial situation

    Financial Statements

    Students must provide statements for all banking/financial accounts, including statements from Revolut, Monzo, PayPal, Moneybox, etc. and in all currencies.

    • Three months bank statements to date, are required for all financial/bank accounts held solely or jointly in your name (e.g. with partner) for all currencies.
    • We can only accept official downloaded eStatements in PDF format or scanned copies of original paper statements.

    Credit Accounts

    If you have any of the following, please upload your most recent statement for all that apply:

    • Credit card
    • Personal Bank loan
    • Credit Union account (Statement must show current shares and loan balances)
  • 4. Additional evidence

    Please upload evidence for all that apply:

    • Two months recent Childcare receipts for registered child care provider
    • Two most recent payslips showing your earnings
    • Two most recent payslips showing your partners earnings