
Awaiting examination results can be both an exciting and anxious time.

During your time as a student you will receive the following:

  • Results - also referred to as your Marks; and
  • Examination Board decisions - also referred to as your progress or award decisions or academic decisions.
  • Results (also referred to as marks)

    Your marks are published after each assessment period (normally at the end of each semester). Marks are provisional until confirmed by a Board of Examiners.

  • Examination Board Decision

    Your Examination Board decision is either a progress decision or an award decision.

  • Progress Decision

    Your progress decision is normally published in June or at the end of a particular stage of your course, although this can vary for certain courses.A wide range of codes are used by the Boards of Examiners to describe your progress decision. For the majority of students, the Boards of Examiners will deem that:

    • you may progress to the next stage/year of your course or to your placement
    • you may progress to the next stage/year of your course or to your placement while carrying modules to be re-assessed
    • you are required to retake or repeat coursework/exams in the next academic year (progression to the next stage/year of your course is not permitted)
    • you are required to re-sit coursework/exams in the current year
    • you are required to retake coursework/exams as for the first time due to extenuating circumstances in the current year
    • you are required to withdraw from the course
  • Award Decision

    Your award decision is published after the Board of Examiners has met to confirm your award. This normally happens at the end of your course but may happen sooner if you leave or are exited from your course before the course end date.

    Your award code and your award classification will both be published.

    Here is some additional information on the examination board decision

Accessing your Results and Examination Board Decisions

After each examination period, we publish coursework and examination marks on the Results tile in your Student Portal.

We publish Examination Board decisions on the Progress/award decisions tile in your Student Portal.

Please note:

  • It is your responsibility to check your Student Portal for your exam/coursework results and your Examination Board decision.
  • We cannot give results over the telephone.
  • We will withhold marks and progress/award decisions where we are awaiting a decision of a Board of Examiners or confirmation of results from the External Examiner. We will publish results and examination board decisions as soon as these are confirmed.
  • The consequences of failure are set out in the regulations for your course.
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Publication of Results

Key Dates for 2024/25

Assessment Information
Assessment Period Publication date
Semester 1 -  Marks are provisional until approved by the Boards of Examiners later in the year (normally May - June). Please note that marks from the formal Board of Examiners held in January/February are confirmed marks. 13 February 2025
Semester 2 - Marks are confirmed 20  June 2025
Supplementary Examinations (August Resits) - Confirmed marks available 10 September 2025
Summer Teaching (Semester 3) - Marks are confirmed 1 October 2025
October Boards of Examiners - Marks are confirmed29 October 2025

Queries about your marks

You should address any queries about your marks to your Studies Advisor or your Course/Subject Director.

Publication of Examination Boards Decisions

Important Notes

  1. Examination Board decisions on academic progress/awards will be released  in your Student Portal.
  2. You should contact your Course/Subject Director if you are unsure when the Board of Examiners/Progress Committee for your course is to be held.
  3. Decisions for students studying at QAHE are released at various points in the year. If your decision is not available please contact your campus of study.

Boards of Examiners decisions will start to release on the evening of  Wednesday 18  June 2025 for those courses that have been considered at a Board, subject to External Examiner approval.

Semester One

Student academic performance in Semester One is normally considered by Progress Committees. The majority of students proceed automatically from Semester One to Semester Two with no academic progress decision recorded. However, Progress Committees will make decisions on students who:

  • were unable to undertake their Semester One assessment due to extenuating circumstances and are permitted a first sit/first sit of a resit in examinations or coursework later in the academic year; or
  • have repeated work from the previous year and failed at the final attempt and are consequently required to withdraw from the course.

For a few courses a Board of Examiners will be held at the end of Semester One to consider recommendations for awards for students who have completed their course, to progress students to the next year of the course or to consider progress on pre-registration Nursing courses.

Part time students who complete their course at the end of Semester One should note that the Board of Examiners may not be held until the Semester Two assessment period (May/June).

Decisions on academic progress for Semester One assessment will be published in the Portal within three working days of the decision being applied by the Examinations Office.  You are advised to check the Portal on a regular basis from the first week in February to check if a decision has been made on your academic progress.

Semester Two

Boards of Examiners decisions will be released on the evening of Wednesday 18 June 2025.

August/Supplementary Period

Boards of Examiners decisions will be released on Wednesday 3 September 2025, subject to External Examiner approval, and will be available on the Student Portal from 7pm.

Semester Three/October Boards

Publication of Decisions

Boards of Examiners decisions will be released within three working days of the meeting of the Board, subject to External Examiner approval, and will be available on the Student Portal from 7pm.