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Before the exam

To sit an examination a candidate must be enrolled and have paid all fees due.

Candidates will not be admitted to the examination hall later than one hour after the start of the examination, except with the permission of the Senior Invigilator

What you can and cannot bring

No unauthorised books, papers or other material relevant to the examination may be taken into the examination room

Any prescribed texts permitted in an examination should not be annotated as this will be construed as giving a candidate an unfair advantage. If you are found in possession of annotated texts your examination will be declared void. The texts will be removed by the Senior Invigilator and you will be asked to leave the examination room immediately

Paper or electronic translation or other dictionaries may not be brought into the examination unless their use is permitted as stated in the rubric of the examination paper

Mobile phones, smartwatches or similar electronic devices are not permitted in the examination room. If during the examination you are found to have on your person, or within your reach, such devices, or any other unauthorised material, whether you use them, your examination will be declared void and you will be required to leave the room immediately

Food or drink may not be brought into the examination room without the prior permission of the Senior Invigilator

Electronic calculators which are operationally quiet, hand-held, contain their own power source and cannot communicate with other devices may be used by candidates in an examination unless expressly forbidden by the examiners

During the exam

Candidates must not communicate with each other during an examination and may only leave the hall temporarily if accompanied by an invigilator

No information relating to the examination paper, may be conveyed to candidates during the examination, unless there is an error in the paper, in which case the information shall be provided to all candidates taking the examination

No material may be removed from the examination room except the question paper, unless the examiner specifics that it must not be removed

No candidate may leave the examination until one hour after it has commenced, or in the last fifteen minutes, except with the permission of the Senior Invigilator

It is the responsibility of each candidate to ensure that his or her examination script is received by an invigilator and consequently candidates must remain seated at their desks until their scripts are collected by the invigilators

Examination scripts and assessments must be legible, or examiners may decide not to mark them

Anyone disrupting an examination session will be asked to leave.


Non-attendance at an examination, except for medical reasons or other sufficient cause, will result in the candidate being deemed to have failed the examination

Be familiar with the regulations

In addition to the above points, you should ensure that you are familiar with the current Regulations Governing Examinations in Programmes of Study contained within the University Regulations

You should also be familiar with the specific regulations for your own course.