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What is your preferred learning style?

If you know what your preferred learning style is, it can help you understand how you study best and improve the overall quality of your learning. The seven learning styles are:

  • Visual – you prefer to use pictures and images.
  • Aural – you prefer using sound and music.
  • Verbal – you prefer using words in speech and writing.
  • Physical – you prefer using your body, hands and sense of touch.
  • Logical – you prefer using logic, reasoning and systems.
  • Social – you prefer to learn in groups with other people.
  • Solitary – you prefer to work alone or use self-study.

If you are unsure what learning style suits you, you can take a short quiz and get additional tips on study techniques for your learning style.

Study Tips

Here are a few tips to help you make the most out of your study time.

Set goals and time limits for your work

Create a weekly schedule or use alarms and reminders on your phone to help you.

Ask for help

Do not be afraid to ask your lecturers, supervisors or study advisers if you are unsure about something.

Take breaks

Remember to take breaks, especially if you are starting to feel tired. Get some fresh air, do a physical activity or arrange to meet up with friends.

Drink water and rest

Drink plenty of water and ensure you get enough sleep as working too late or eating sugary or fatty foods can affect your concentration.

Talk about it

If you are feeling stressed or anxious before exams, talk about it.

Speak to a friend or family member, or contact Student Wellbeing.

Study skills guides are also available from the UCAS website.

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