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Check and confirm your modules

During October, a profile of the data held on your computer record will be available for viewing on the University Web page. This includes the modules for which you have been enrolled.

It is your responsibility to check it carefully and notify the Registry Office of any errors or omissions by 31 October.

Compulsory modules

If you must take a module on a particular year of a course you will be automatically enrolled for that module through the Online Enrolment process on the mandatory modules screen and it will be printed on your enrolment form.

Optional modules

You may choose optional modules prior to enrolment in consultation with your Course/Subject Director or Adviser of Studies. You can then enter your choice during the Online Enrolment process.

When selecting optional modules you should take particular care that you choose the correct semester, as many modules are offered in more than one semester.

The course reference number (CRN) will be different for each semester. Ensure you select the correct CRN for the semester in which you wish to study the module.

Changing Modules

Find out more about how you can replace or drop optional modules provided that your course regulations permit the replacement module and your study load remains appropriate.


Find out more about how you can apply for exemptions on the basis of previous study at the appropriate level.

Accreditation of Prior Experiential Learning (APEL)

If you believe that you have met the intended learning outcomes of a module through your previous experience, but do not have a certificate or qualification to prove this, you may, in some cases, be able to claim exemption by submitting a portfolio of evidence, as an alternative to attending classes and undertaking set assessment.

You will receive guidance from a member of staff who acts as an APEL adviser.

The format of the submission is agreed with the APEL adviser. Consult your Course/Subject Director or Adviser of Studies.