Check Into Class!

Please remember to only check into the classes you're assigned to. For group sessions, you will see all available options in SEAtS, but rest assured – you’ll be removed from any sessions you’re not assigned to.

  • Downloading the App:
    Please see the below links for both Apple and Android download.
  • Experiencing Issues?
    If you're having trouble with the app, refer to our SEAtS App Quick Fixes document and follow the steps provided.
  • Need Answers?
    See our frequently asked questions below
  • Further Assistance:
    If you need further assistance, please email the team at with your B number.

Downloading SEAtS

  1. Before downloading SEAtS, ensure you have completed your online course enrolment - this applies to both new and returning students.
  2. Ensure you have set up access to the university Wi-Fi and Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) enabled on your phone.

Please allow 24-48 hours after completing your enrolment to gain access to the SEAtS system. If you have newly enrolled, this is why you cannot access the system. Please try again after this time.

Check In with Your Smartphone: A Quick Guide

  1. If notifications are on, you’ll get an alert before class.
  2. When you arrive, tap the alert or open the app and go to "Calendar."
  3. Tap "Check-In" under your class and select "Bluetooth."
  4. The app will search for Bluetooth beacons. If Bluetooth is off, turn it on and repeat the steps.
  5. Wait for the app to find the beacon. Once found, you'll see a "Checked In" message, and the event will show as "Attended.

For detailed instructions or other check-in options, see the user guide below.

Image for

Questions & Answers

  • I can't log in or check in. What should I do?

    If you're unable to log into the app, please download the SEAtS App Quick Fixes document and follow the instructions to set up your phone properly.

    If the issue persists, please send a screenshot to along with your student B number for further assistance.

  • My app calendar shows "No Events" despite my scheduled classes. What should I do?

    If your calendar in the app shows "no events" or if your scheduled classes aren’t appearing, please email the team with your B number, the name(s) of your missing modules, and a screenshot of the issue. We’ll investigate it as soon as possible. In the meantime, please notify your lecturer of your presence in the session.

    Rest assured, since the sessions aren’t showing in the app, you will not be marked as absent, and your attendance within the app won’t be affected.

  • I see all course groups, but only need one. What should I do?

    Please remember to only check into the classes you're assigned to. For group sessions, you will see all available options in SEAtS, but rest assured – you’ll be removed from any sessions you’re not assigned to, and there’s no need to contact the Attendance team regarding this. Rest assured, your attendance record will not be negatively impacted by this.

  • I'm going to be absent from class. What should I do?

    "Absence Requests" on the SEAtS App are only available to Student Visa holders. If you do not have a student visa, your Absence Request will be automatically rejected. In this case, you must contact your Lecturer/Course Director directly if you wish to request an excused absence.

    If you’re a student visa holder and need to be absent from class, follow the below steps to request an absence in SEAtS.

    1. Log in to the SEAtS app.
    2. Tap on “Requests.”
    3. Press the “+” symbol to add a new absence request.
    4. Select “Absence.”
    5. Choose the dates for your absence.
    6. Pick the type of absence from the drop-down menu.
    7. Provide a description of your absence in the “Comment” box.
    8. Attach any relevant supporting documentation.
    9. Tap “Send” to submit your request.

    Your request will be sent to the UKVI Attendance team, and you’ll receive an email notification confirming receipt and whether your request has been approved or denied.

  • I need a QR code to check into class. What should I do?

    These sessions are not the same as a Bluetooth check-in. In these sessions, the lecturer will show you a QR code. To check in, open the SEAtS app, click the session you with to check in for, then click “Check-in,” select “QR Code,” and use your smartphone to scan the code.

  • I don't have a smartphone. How else can I check in?

    We encourage students to check in using their smartphones and Bluetooth, as this is the simplest method.

    However, we understand that there may be situations where this isn't possible, and you may prefer to check in using a laptop or tablet.

    To check in via a laptop or tablet, please follow these steps:

    1. Ask an academic for a check-in code.
    2. Visit the SEAts webpage.
    3. Click on the circle icon with your initials (next to your name in the top-right corner) and select “My Profile”
    4. Click "Calendar” and select the activity you wish to check into.
    5. Within the teaching activity, you will see a “Check In” icon where you can input the code provided by the academic, and you will be checked in.

    Otherwise, please approach the lecturer responsible for your session and ask them to manually mark your attendance.

  • As a QAHE student in London, Birmingham, or Manchester, do I need the app to check in?

    SEAtS is an app designed for students at the Jordanstown, Belfast, Coleraine, or Derry~Londonderry campuses. Please note that SEAtS is not available for students studying in London, Birmingham, or Manchester. For any concerns, please contact; (Student advice & support centre)
    Call: 0204 579 6407

    To report an absence:  please e-mail

    The QAHE Compliance Team monitors student attendance and will send alerts when a certain number of absences is reached. If you have any questions, please get in touch with the QAHE attendance team at or call 020 3883 5879 (Monday to Friday, 9am - 5pm).

  • I require a proof of attendance letter, how do I get this?

    If you require a letter to confirm you are a student at Ulster University for your bank, council tax or for social security benefits, you can download this information from your student portal once you are a registered student.

    Download your Attendance letter

    1. Log into your Portal
    2. Select Banner
    3. Select the Student Records, Fees and Financial Aid menu
    4. Select Registration
    5. Select Confirmation of Attendance Letter
    6. Print

    If you have difficulties

    If you have any difficulties downloading or scanning the form, just contact your campus Registry Office and we can print the form on your behalf.

  • Student Finance contacted me about my attendance affecting my loan. What should I do?

    The attendance team does not share attendance data with Student Finance. For attendance confirmation, please contact directly.

  • I forgot to check into class. What should I do?
    Please contact the lecturer for that session to request a manual check-in. Note that it is up to the lecturer to decide whether to approve or deny your request, the Attendance team can not assist with this.
  • How do I check in for an online session?

    For online sessions, the lecturer will present a QR code. To check in, open the SEAtS app, click the online session you with to check in for, then click “Check-in,” select “QR Code,” and use your smartphone to scan the code provided by your lecturer.

  • Is it possible to correct my attendance from semester 1?

    As SEAtS was newly introduced in September 2024, some initial challenges were experienced which led to attendance not being fully captured. Unfortunately, It isn’t possible to amend previous records and your lecture would be aware of the issues experienced within semester 1.

Questions & Answers - Smartphone App

  • How do I download the SEAtS App?

    Students with an Apple device can download from the App Store by clicking here, or alternatively search for SEAtS Mobile in the App Store on your device.

    Students with an Android device can download from Google Play by clicking here, or alternatively search for SEAtS Mobile in the Google Play Store.

    Once downloaded, you will then register and log in. To register for SEAtS, click into the SEAtS app. This will automatically take you to the SEAtS App login page.

    Here you will enter your Ulster University e-mail address and accept any notifications (notifications will notify you of any classes about to begin). You will then be taken to an authorisation page, in which you input your Ulster University credentials.

  • Are there any App Permissions I need to enable?

    There are a number of automated permissions required on initial installation of the SEAtS Mobile app. These permissions ensure the effective usage of the app and should be enabled on logging into the app for the first time. Disabling permissions within the phone settings afterwards could result in being unable to check in to scheduled teaching activities.

    Bluetooth - Select 'OK'
    Location Access - Select 'OK'
    Your Location - 'Allow while using the app' Precise Location - 'On' (Please note: SEAtS does not use GPS, so students can be assured that their location is not being tracked. The app uses Bluetooth to connect to a beacon within a teaching location at Ulster University only).
    Access to camera - 'OK'
    Notifications - 'Allow'

  • How do I navigate the app?

    After logging into the application, you will be directed to your home page. SEAtS will automatically synchronise with your timetable through the Publish app. Students are encouraged to continue viewing their timetable via Publish.

    More information about your timetable and instructions on downloading Publish can be found here.

    Details that can be found on your home page include:

    1. Your name
    2. Your course
    3. Your overall attendance % score. This is calculated out of the total percentage attendance for each module added together and divided by the numbers of modules that you are scheduled on for the selected period.
    4. Attendance by time period – here you can view your attendance by academic year, 90 days, 30 days, 14 days or 7 days.
    5. Attendance graphs – by clicking on your overall percentage, you will navigate to graphs which will demonstrate your attendance.

    Tapping the navigation icon (three dots) when it appears on any page at the bottom left of the Application, will open the navigation menu and will display the following screen

    The default navigation options are:

    1. An option to view your profile and attendance metrics (home landing page)
    2. An option to open todays Calendar to see what classes you are scheduled to attend.
    3. An option to view todays scheduled teaching activities in list format and check in.
    4. An option to view all the above, and Logout
  • How do I check in using my smartphone?

    Once you have downloaded the SEAtS app, and registered with your Ulster University e-mail address, you will be ready to check into your scheduled classes.

    Students must attend scheduled classes, enable bluetooth and open the SEAtS app to check in once they are physically present in the room.

    1. Click on the “Current Events” button. Note: The Yellow bubble indicates an event is available to check in based on your timetable.
    2. Click the "Check In" button, followed by "Bluetooth".
    3. Your device will scan for the available Bluetooth beacon. If Bluetooth has been disabled, a warning will be displayed to inform you to enable within your device settings. Cancel, enable in settings and repeat 1 and 2.
    4. Searching screen is displayed.
    5. When beacon is found, you will receive a “Checked in Successfully” update along with notification.
    6. Event updated to display Attended.

Student Forms

If you need to take a break from attending classes, please follow the provided guidelines and submit the necessary forms.

This will help maintain your academic record and ensure you fully understand your tuition fee obligations and the potential impact of non-attendance on your student finance.

Click the button above to find forms regarding:


  • Leave of Absence Form
  • Notification of Absence NA1 Form
  • Withdrawal Form
  • Change of Address Form
  • Change of Name Form
  • Extenuating Circumstances EC1 Form
  • Course Transfer Form
  • Module Change Form


  • Direct Debit Form
  • Tuition Fee Refund Application Form
  • Staff Tuition Fee Exemption Form

Digital Claimant Portal

  • Prior Approval Form
  • Demonstrator Claim Form
  • Student Wages Claim Form
  • Reimbursed Expenses Form
  • Subsidiary Payroll Form


  • SA1 / SA2 Forms
  • Deferment of Assessment Form
Image for View All Student Forms

Proof of attendance

How to download a confirmation of attendance letter to confirm your registration and course details.

Image for How to download proof of attendance