Academic Calendar

Academic Calendar

Key dates for your diary.  Date of attendance, examinations and vacations across the academic year.

View all dates


Course enrolment

Details on how to enrol on your course for new and returning students.

Go to course enrolment

Course Structure

Learn more about qualifications, credits, course structures and the student contract.

Go to Course Structure

Transfer course

Information about transferring to another course of study.

Go to Transfer course


Module enrolment

Find out more about your record of compulsory and optional modules and how to check it.

Go to Module enrolment

Change modules

Find out how to amend modules on your academic record.

Go to Change modules

Module exemption

How to apply for module exemptions on the basis of previous study.

More on exemptions


Provides guidance on how to register your class attendance using SEAtS.

View more on attendance
Degree Award Calculation

Degree Award Calculation

More information on the algorithms used to calculate degree awards for Ulster University courses.

How your degree award is calculated
Manage your student record

Manage your student record

Here you can update your personal details, address, request a transcript, confirm your attendance and access your higher education achievement record (HEAR).

View more on student record

Support and Complaints

Studies Support image

Studies Support

Academic support available to you.

Get support for your studies
Make a complaint image

Make a complaint

If something goes wrong or you are unhappy, you can complain about the academic services and other services provided by the University.

Make a complaint
Student Academic Affairs Team (SAAT) image

Student Academic Affairs Team (SAAT)

The Student Academic Affairs Team (SAAT) supports you through various processes at Ulster University, including complaints, harassment, academic appeals, and misconduct, ensuring fair and sensitive handling of your concerns  at every stage.


Leave of absence form

Complete if you are taking a break from studies and intend to return.

Notification of Absence NA1 form

Complete if absent for more than 3 days for medical or personal reasons.

Withdrawal form

The Withdrawal form is to be used if you are thinking about leaving your course.

Change of Address form

Complete if you need to change your address. Return form to your campus Registry Office.

Change of name form

Registered students can submit an online request for a change of legal or preferred name.

Extenuating Circumstances EC1 form

Complete if extenuating circumstances apply to your performance in coursework or an examination.

Course transfer form

Following discussions with the appropriate Course Directors, you can apply for a change of course.

Module change form

Complete to change your module.

Programme Regulations

Ulster University has common regulations for all courses, with some accredited by Professional Bodies that may have specific differences, which...