Our team of Graduate Development Coach's offer you the informed, expert, professional advice that will help you progress your employability, be more competitive in your job search and make better decisions for your future career. Ulster graduates have ongoing access to our services including 1-1 advice and access to our digital resources.

Expert advice for students & graduates

Bookable consultations

This service is for those students and graduates who require in depth advice that requires a 1-1 meeting that will take around 30 minutes.

Maybe you have a job interview or assessment centre coming up? Maybe you are unsure of your career direction or maybe you are starting to explore or apply for jobs or placements.

You can book a consultation from the link below and when selecting your preferred day and time you will also be able to choose your preference between in person and online.

Email anytime

You can email graduatefutures@ulster.ac.uk anytime and one of our Graduate Development Coach's will get back to you ASAP.

In this section

International students image

International students

Employability & Graduate Futures are here to help you enhance your potential and become a thriving Ulster Graduate.

Top Tips image

Top Tips

Access Employability & Graduate Futures expertise and experience anytime from anywhere.

It's not goodbye image

It's not goodbye

Supporting your graduate transition through 1-1 coaching, access to graduate jobs, further study options and alumni connections.

Green Careers image

Green Careers

For your next step towards a sustainable future

MBBS employability image

MBBS employability

Find useful career planning tools, tips and information to help you prepare yourself for a career in medicine after you graduate, and make the right decisions for your future employability.

Win £100 vouchers image

Win £100 vouchers

Follow us on Instagram and be in with a chance of winning one of 3 £100 vouchers!

Ready to take the next step? image

Ready to take the next step?

This Semester we are offering 2 new and refreshed programmes, Check out Design Your Career Journey and Graduating...What Next?