Richard Davies

Lecturer in Computing Science

School of Computing

Belfast campus

Room BC-04-140,
2-24 York Street,
BT15 1AP,

Computer Science Research

Lecturer in Computing Science

Richard Davies


Richard Davies joined the School of Computing and Mathematics in 2001 as a Research Assistant and continued to work in this capacity until 2013 when he was appointed Lecturer in Computer Science. His research interests are aligned to the Smart Environment Research Group (SERG) and primarily focus on technologies to support independent living, assistive technologies and personalised self-management systems. In particular Richard has experience in designing and developing systems using various assistive technologies to support long term chronic conditions such as stroke, chronic pain, congestive heart failure, coronary obstructive pulmonary disease and dementia.

Richard is working towards his fellowship of the HEA and has conducted a number of pedagogic over the last two years. During his time as a Research Associate Richard worked extensively on both National and European projects to develop technologies to support independent living in the context of an ageing society. Prior to this, Richard obtained a Beng(Hons) in Electronic Systems from Ulster University.

Richard is currently pursuing a PhD within the School of Computing and Mathematics which aims to improve post stroke rehabilitation through the introduction of assistive/wearable technology. His main research focus is in stroke rehabilitation and he continues to publish in this area.

Richard has been a member of the IET for over 15 years and has served on various panels and committees such as Engineers Ireland Accreditation panel,  ICOST2012, CinC 2010, ICOST 2006 and PHealth 2004. In addition, he has co-chaired a workshop on Assistive Technology at the IEEE BIBM conference.