Dr Judith Wylie

Senior Lecturer in Accounting

Department of Acc, Finance & Economics

Belfast campus

Room BC-08-211,
2-24 York Street,
BT15 1AP,
Senior Lecturer in Accounting

Dr Judith Wylie


Dr Judith Wylie joined the Ulster University Business School in 2010. Her research interests are in the areas of corporate social responsibility, corporate governance and business ethics. Judith’s PhD investigated Corporate Social Responsibility (“CSR”) communication strategies in Irish Listed Companies.

Judith is a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy, and teaches at both undergraduate and postgraduate level. In 2014 she led a team which won an Ulster University Distinguished Teaching Fellowship for excellence in embedding employability within teaching and learning activities.

Judith studied accounting and law, under an entrance scholarship, and also obtained a further undergraduate scholarship to spend a semester studying at the University of Newcastle, Australia. Judith combined the two skill sets obtained during her degree and embarked in a career in forensic accounting with PwC where she qualified as a Chartered Accountant, she is now a Fellow of Chartered Accountants Ireland. In her role as a Consultant within Forensic Services she worked with clients globally, investigating economic crime and advising on commercial disputes.

Judith delivers a number of modules drawing on her professional experience and research activity including forensic accounting, cybercrime and forensic technology, effective board decision making and risk management and corporate governance within the Department of Accounting, Finance and Economics. She is also the Course Director of the BSc Hons Business Technology degree which is a successful Higher Level Apprenticeship Programme.