Dr Caroline Conway

Core Technologies Officer (Research Associate)

School of Biomedical Sciences

School of Biomedical Sciences,
Ulster University,
C-TRIC Building, Altnagelvin Area Hospital,
Glenshane Road, Derry~Londonderry,
BT47 6SB,

Biomedical Sciences Research

Core Technologies Officer (Research Associate)

Dr Caroline Conway


Dr Caroline Conway graduated from Ulster University with a BSc (Hons) in Biomedical Sciences with diploma in industrial studies in 2003 and a Master of Research with distinction in 2004. She was awarded a four-year CRUK PhD studentship with Professor Julia Newton-Bishop and Professor Tim Bishop at The University of Leeds, working on genetic markers of prognosis in melanoma, graduating with a PhD in molecular biology in 2009. Dr Conway then undertook a four-year postdoctoral position (2009-2013) in the lab of Professor Pamela Rabbitts at the University of Leeds working on multiple studies for the identification of the genetic alterations associated with progression of pre-cancer in the upper respiratory tract. Currently she is a Scientific Assistant in Genomics at Ulster University and an Associate Research Fellow at The University of Leeds. She has published her research in high impact journals and is an invited reviewer for journals such as International Journal of Cancer, Journal of Molecular Biomarkers and Diagnosis, and PlosOne.

Research Interests

Dr Conway’s research interests broadly encompass the application of novel high-throughput genomic technologies for the identification of biomarkers in health and disease.