Dr Angela Carlin

Senior Lecturer in Exercise and Health (Physiology)

School of Sport

Derry~Londonderry campus

Room MC019,
BT48 7JL,

Sport and Exercise Sciences Research

Senior Lecturer in Exercise and Health (Physiology)

Dr Angela Carlin


Dr Angela Carlin is a Senior Lecturer and Course Director in the School of Sport and Exercise Science. Angela was awarded a BSc and PhD from Ulster University and is a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy.

Angela’s research interests include the development and evaluation of interventions to promote physical activity in children and adolescents, the determinants of physical activity across the lifecycle, and the use of technology to promote physical activity and reduce sedentary behaviour. Angela has been involved in several national and international research projects and supervises doctoral students.

Angela is Principal Investigator on the Y-PATH NI project, involving the development and testing of the Youth – Physical Activity Towards Health intervention in post-primary schools in Northern Ireland. Angela’s current research collaborations also include the Walking In ScHools (WISH) Trial: A peer-led, school based walking intervention for adolescent girls, and EUMOVE, an Erasmus+ Project aimed at implementing a comprehensive set of strategies and resources to enable the educational community to promote healthy lifestyles.

Angela recently led the all-island research working group for the 2022 Ireland North and South Report Card on Physical Activity for Children and Youth. Angela has published >30 peer-reviewed research articles and disseminated her research at national and international conferences.