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Neil is from Waringstown in Northern Ireland and began his PhD studies in 2018

Neil has a wealth of experience having spent 35 years as a power generation engineer.  He has also gained qualifications in Electrical & Electronic Engineering (BSc) and Manufacturing Technology, Design and Management (MSc).

Neil’s PhD is entitled ‘A market analysis of customer connected mass energy storage.’

What attracted you to complete your PhD in this area?

I was attracted by the subject area and the unique SPIRE2 approach to research.

What attracted you to study at Queen’s University?

The reputation of QUB and UU.

What were your expectations for study and were these met?

Study expectations were totally met. These expectations were teamwork, collaboration, access to academics, training, and seminars and conferences.

What were the highlights/lowlights of the programme?

Highlights – conferences, SPIRE days, seminars, demonstrating.  Lowlights – having to work from home due to COVID.

How has the PhD influenced your career aspirations?

Broadened my outlook on development of low carbon technology.

What’s next for you?

Complete PhD. Lecturing role with industrial training organization.

Published papers

Energy, 2021, Doi:10.1016/

IEEE Access, 2021, Doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3139159