Become a Nurse
Take a look at what Nursing Courses we have on offer for undergraduate students including Full-Time, Part-Time and eLearning...
Innovative teaching & research culture. The best place to study your nursing degree.
The School of Nursing and Paramedic Science prides itself on being long-established school that is interconnected with society on a global, national, and regional scale.
Our research and scholarly outputs are internationally acclaimed and sets global standards.
With healthcare systems constantly evolving and changing dynamically and globally, our educational and research endeavors need to be responsive and proactive to the wider healthcare needs of society and the workforce.
Take a look at what Nursing Courses we have on offer for undergraduate students including Full-Time, Part-Time and eLearning...
Develop the knowledge, skills and behaviours necessary to become a competent and confident paramedic who provides safe person centred care....
Take a look at the Postgraduate/Post-registration course we have to offer including short courses and e-learning.
We offer e-learning nursing courses allowing you to study anywhere. This flexible programme allows for easy access to expert learning....
Advance your nursing career with PhD opportunities, which are advertised within the Doctoral College.
Starting in Sept 2024
This programme aims to provide students with the knowledge, critical understanding, skills, values and resilience to manage clinical complexity and risk, be autonomous practitioners and work across organisational boundaries.
Person-centredness is at the core of our culture and school activity.
Our School is one of the oldest in Europe and will celebrate 50 years in 2025, illustrating our history in developing nurses and the international workforce for half a century with success.
Our work is focused on the health of people, families and communities and our research, students, and graduates shape these and inform wider healthcare policy.
Delivering academic excellence in research and teaching, encouraging innovation, leadership and high quality care impacting on health and wellbeing globally,...
School of Nursing & Paramedic Science staff contact details.
Enhancing the knowledge, expertise and engaged scholarship of nursing, midwifery, public health and allied health professions research....
Ulster University offers the objective structured clinical examination (OSCE) part 2 of the Nursing Midwifery Council’s Test of Competence for...
This area provides training resources for Practice Education Staff supporting students in the Practice Learning environment....
The School of Nursing and Paramedic Science has achieved the Athena Swan Silver Departmental Award.
The School of Nursing and Paramedic Science obtained the Athena SWAN Silver Departmental Award in the November 2018 round.