The School of Psychology conducts world-leading research under three broad themes:
Mental Health
Researchers associated with this theme investigate a variety of topics in the mental health arena.
The use of large data sets to understand descriptors and predictors of mental health issues is an overarching theme across these researchers. In addition, there is a strong research program in health services provision, prevention and intervention.
Specific areas of interest are psychosis, trauma, and post-traumatic stress disorder, suicide and suicidal ideation, addiction and the impact of childhood adversity on future mental health outcomes.
This theme brings together researchers who have a wide range of theoretical perspectives, advanced statistical and methodological skills, and practical therapeutic experiences.
For further information, please contact the Theme Lead, Dr Orla McBride.
Children, Young People and schools
Researchers associated with this theme research issues that impact on children and young people with a focus on intervention for improving outcomes.
The majority of researchers in this theme investigate the impact of environmental, social and societal factors that impact on child development.
Specific areas of interest include early predictors of developmental outcomes, atypical development (specifically Autism), health interventions in schools, children’s learning and educational achievement.
This theme includes researchers that use a wide range of methods such as applied behaviour analysis, experimental measures (e.g. eye tracking) and qualitative techniques..
For further information, please contact the Theme Lead, Professor Tony Cassidy.
Health and Ageing
Researchers associated with this theme investigate topics that impact on our aging society and how healthy aging can be promoted.
Researchers in this theme come from a variety of perspectives such as sports psychology, health psychology, psychopharmacology, rehabilitation sciences and health services provision.
Specific areas of interest are the impact of food supplementation on aging and the use of physical activity to maintain healthy communities. Our researchers are also interested in interventions that may be applied to aging populations such as drug therapy for dementia, service provision for individuals with cognitive decline and motor rehabilitation after stroke.
This theme uses varied research methods such as the analysis of epidemiological data, laboratory-based measurements of fitness, brain stimulation and standardised assessments of cognition.
For further information, please contact the Theme Lead, Dr Noel Brick.