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Introduction to Human Trafficking Research Network (HTRN)

The Human Trafficking Research Network (HTRN) is a network open to academics and practitioners  currently engaged in research or practice on the broad theme of human trafficking. Our members come from a range of different locations across the globe, including the UK, Nigeria, USA, Belgium, Spain, Australia, to name a few. The Network provides opportunities to present research in progress, receive feedback from peers and experts, connect with others working on similar topics and encourages a multidisciplinary research environment with opportunities for interdisciplinary collaboration.

The HTRN was founded following a 2020 online conference on “Emerging Issues in Human Trafficking Research” and in response to conference participants’ desire to stay in touch and continue the discussion. Established and managed by a team of PhD researchers from across a number of academic institutions, the HTRN began its life within the Human Rights Centre at Queen’s University Belfast. Since 2023, the Network has been hosted by the School of Law at Ulster University.

The HTRN is established to serve the following key purposes:

  • Forging and deepening connections between members of the Network and others researching or working in the thematic area of human trafficking
  • Facilitating (academic) exchange and insight on human trafficking and related topics
  • Gaining experience in presenting and discussing research methods, draft work and findings
  • Sharing professional opportunities (funding, jobs, consultancies, events and publications)
  • Promoting opportunities to develop specific academic/practical activities on the topic, including through cooperation

To date, the activities of the HTRN have included:

  • Online conferences where academics and practitioners can share research and best practice, and connect with one another
  • A joint submission to the UN Special Rapporteur on Trafficking in Persons, especially women and children
  • Work in Progress Sessions

The 2023/2024 academic year will see the launch of an online seminar series, highlighting contemporary research and practice on human trafficking, and our first in-person conference.

If you are researcher and practitioner working in the broad field of human-trafficking research, and are interested in participating in the network, please get in touch by emailing with a few details about your current research and/or work.

People in HTRN

The HTRN is currently co-chaired by:

  • Dr Gillian Kane (Lecturer in Law, Ulster University)
  • Dr Maja Grundler (Lecturer in Law, Royal Holloway, University of London)

They are joined by the steering group members:

  • Dr Adedayo Akingbade (Lecturer, Manchester Metropolitan University)
  • Dr Siliva Rodríguez López (Lecturer, University of A Coruña)
  • Dr Amy Weatherburn (Postdoctoral Researcher, Université libre de Bruxelles)
  • Dr Maria Turda (University of Central Lancashire)
  • Muiread Murphy (PhD Researcher, Maynooth University)
  • Lisa Monastyrova (PhD Researcher, Open University)
  • Dr Prince Agwu (PhD Researcher, University of Nigeria)

Upcoming Events

Past Events

Online Seminar - Addressing Human Trafficking During Armed Conflict: Perspectives from Ukraine and its Borders