Law Research at Ulster

We are an international and multidisciplinary team of researchers addressing contemporary legal problems including how law deals with the transition from conflict or oppression (transitional justice), how to use the law to promote social justice and protect human rights, how new technologies are affecting the legal professions.

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About Our Research

In Research Excellence Framework (REF) 2021, 82% of our Law research at Ulster has been rated as world-leading and internationally...

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Our research has an impact on local and international settings.

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School of Law

Ulster University provides an inspiring, engaging, and intellectually stimulating environment for law students at undergraduate, postgraduate, and CPD level....

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PhD opportunities in Law

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Centres of Excellence and Research Networks

The Transitional Justice Institute (TJI) has shaped the field of transitional justice since its foundation in 2003 and is housed in a dedicated building, providing a rich research environment for our PhD cohort.

The multiple award-winning Law Clinic, situated in Belfast city centre, is a unique institution whereby postgraduate students on our Access to Justice programme provide advice and representation for clients and supports our research in law and social justice.

Legal Futures Research, also based in the city centre, conducts research and horizon scanning into the potential impact of techological and other developments on the legal profession, and seeks ways to use these for improvements in areas such as professional practice and access to justice.

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Transitional Justice Institute

Transitional Justice Institute (TJI) is a world-leading law-led multidisciplinary research centre focusing on transitional justice - how societies deal with...

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The Law Clinic

Ulster University Law Clinic is part of an LLM course at Ulster University benefiting students and clients.

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Human Trafficking Research Network

A network open to academics and practitioners currently engaged in research or practice on the broad theme of human trafficking....

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Centre for Legal Technology

The Centre for Legal Technology at Ulster University is dedicated to exploring the intersection of technology and the legal profession....

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Legal Futures Research

Researching new horizons in law