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About the Lab

The Ulster University Virtual Reality Lab is a state-of-the-art research facility dedicated to exploring the potential of Mixed, augmented, and virtual reality technology in education and society. At Mavrlab, we believe in harnessing the tools and techniques of Virtual and Augmented Reality (VR/AR) powered by AI to revolutionize education and training.

Our mission is to provide engaging, immersive, and effective learning experience that empowers students and faculty to excel in a dynamic and ever-changing learning environment. Our motto remains - Experience the extraordinary in a world where imagination meets technology.

Our Vision

Our Vision

The vision at Mavrlab is to create a world where education transcends boundaries, and learning is an exciting and engaging experience. Through innovative VR/AR solutions, we redefine traditional teaching and learning methods through educational technology.

What Makes Mavrlab Unique

Immersive Learning Environments

Explore worlds beyond textbooks and classrooms. Delve deep into innovative ideas and concepts through interactive, engaging learning. With our immersive virtual reality experiences, we are enabling students and staff to immerse themselves in historical events, scientific phenomena, and realistic training scenarios, enabling a memorable learning experience.

Real-World Simulations

Mavrlab provides realistic simulations to give students a chance to practice and perfect their skills in a risk-free, virtual environment. With realistic simulations, students can practice and perfect their skills in many areas, from medical procedures to architectural design. We bridge the gap between theory and practical application.

Interactive Lessons

Engage learners with interactive VR/AR lessons. Activate curiosity and understanding in students by turning static educational materials into dynamic, participatory experiences.

Adaptive Learning Paths

Mavrlab's platform accommodates the unique needs of each individual learner. We offer mixed VR/AR solutions that provide personalized learning pathways, allowing students to engage in education at their own pace and according to their individual preferences.

Our Equipment

VR Headsets

Oculus: A popular PC-powered VR headset with high-resolution displays and precise tracking.

AR Devices

Google Glass: Designed for hands-free work, providing a smart glasses solution for enterprise applications.

VR-Ready PCs

High-Performance Gaming PCs: PCs with sufficient RAM, and fast processors.


For VR content creation and development, powerful workstations with high-end GPUs and ample storage are essential

Development Tools

  • Unity and Unreal Engine: Popular game engines used for VR/AR content creation.
  • 3D Modelling Software

Server Infrastructure

  • Cloud Services: For hosting and delivering VR/AR content to users.

Collaboration Tools

Microsoft Teams for seamless collaboration among the development and design teams.

Our Research

Focused on an unbiased comparison of traditional and VR-based lab settings, products, their use, and outputs. Using pre-and post-assessments to measure knowledge retention and acquisition, our research is a qualitative and quantitative assessment of student engagement, motivation, and perceived benefits.

We assess user experience within a VR environment, including ease of navigation, interaction with virtual apparatus, and satisfaction.

This research emphasizes the potential of immersive VR laboratories as a valuable supplement to traditional STEM education, providing enhanced learning experiences and addressing accessibility issues associated with physical labs.
