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Chronic pain is associated with many different diagnostic entities ranging from diseases like e.g. osteoarthritis, low-back pain and other muscular-skeletal conditions to neuropathic pain conditions like painful diabetic polyneuropathy and pain following a stroke or multiple sclerosis.

Due to this, treatment also varies from patient to patient and may include pharmacological treatments, neuromodulation, physiotherapy, multimodal rehabilitation.

Chronic pain may, in many instances, be a complex syndrome of pain, disability, fatigue and often further complicated by psycho-social impact. Due to the high prevalence and the bio-psycho-social impact of having chronic pain, the cost to society is high.

Projected key outcomes

  • Improvement on the knowledge of the patient base data before first visit (Efficiency)
  • Improvement on following-up (monitor) with the patient and the treatment (Pharmacological and non-pharmacological aspects)
  • Increase the effectiveness of adherence to treatment
  • Increase self-management and self-empowerment of the pain: integrate the patient with their healthcare