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The aim of this project is to create an International and Intersectoral network to facilitate the exchange of staff to progress developments in reminding technologies for persons with dementia which can be deployed in smart environments.

The focus will be on developing staff and partner skills in the areas of user centred design and behavioural science coupled with improved computational techniques which in turn will offer more appropriate and efficacious reminding solutions.

Projected key outcomes

To maximise the transfer of knowledge between the different sectors offering a range of development and training opportunities for staff. Industrial staff will benefit from bilateral exchanges from the technical domains of context-aware reminding technologies, soft computing, aware intelligent systems, pervasive computing and the psychological domain of behaviour change.

The academic beneficiaries will benefit from gaining experience in the development of industry-standard software conforming to ISO and medical standards, engagement with stakeholders through a user-centred design process and working with organisations delivering care to the elderly and persons with dementia.