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T4Anxiety aims to support the implementation of innovative solutions through start-ups with the objective of reducing the anxiety of patients suffering from mental disorders.

Technological innovations give new perspectives in many domains, including health. It is in this context that IT4Anxiety brings together mental health professionals and startups, alongside universities, research centers, higher education establishments and public authorities.

The project focuses more specifically on the creation and implementation of innovative solutions, in particular those related to digital technology, with the objective of reducing the anxiety of patients suffering from neurodegenerative diseases (e.g. Alzheimer‘s disease) or post-traumatic stress disorder. These mental illnesses affect a growing number of patients in North-West Europe, due to ageing population trends.

Projected key outcomes

  • identify needs through the carrying out of a qualitative study based on discussion groups bringing together health professionals and patients or their representatives
  • evaluate innovative solutions already implemented in the care process
  • organise hackathons in several countries (France, Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, United Kingdom) to proactively engage stakeholders in the co-creation of innovative solutions and their integration thereafter into the mental health care sector
  • -develop a framework for testing and validating tools with patients and start-ups in order to guarantee the effective implementation of these innovative solutions, especially from an ethical point of view
  • facilitate the use of innovative mental health solutions in hospitals, clinics, community health teams and nursing homes to foster the sustainable use of blended therapeutic solutions
  • test and implement three training modules for users, professionals and future professionals in several health establishments
  • co-create and implement 10 innovative solutions validated by mental health professionals and public organizations that will address the needs of around 3,000 patients facing anxiety disorders
  • support 15 startups to contribute to the creation of around 50 new jobs