Duration: 01 May 2015 – 30 April 2018
Staff Involved: Prof ME Haran; Dr JR Topping; Dr DJ Morrow; Prof C Gormley-Heenan; Dr M McCord; Dr PT Davis; Dr J Byrne; Dr J McCord
A cross-faculty research collaboration between the Built Environment Research Institute (BERI) and the Institute for Research in Social Sciences (IRISSS) contributed to the highest ranked Horizon2020 proposal within the Secure Societies Programme in 2014. The INSPEC2T project ranked 1st out of total of 150 applications across the secure societies domain. The project scope centres on the development of a sustainable framework for community policing that effectively addresses and promotes seamless collaboration between the police and the community. Special emphasis will be placed on the use of social media with INSPEC2T serving to consolidate and modernise bidirectional communication between stakeholders.