The housing research agenda reflects closely the distinctiveness of the local housing market but draws upon national and international comparisons in an analysis of policy, issues and methodologies. The Centre has been to the forefront in driving the housing research agenda for the province and in this context has worked closely with the Northern Ireland Housing Executive dealing with an analysis of the private housing market, affordability, the resale performance of former Housing Executive property on the open market, an examination of the House Sales Scheme, analysis of demographic trends and housing needs in Northern Ireland, the future of the private rented sector, the role of co-ownership, and the operation of local housing markets. Several of these projects have been achieved on a collaborative/partnership basis drawing upon the expertise of other researchers in the University of Cambridge, University of Birmingham, University of Glasgow, The University of Manchester, and Queen's University Belfast. Research outputs are frequently tested with industry. More latterly the research focus has been on the impact of over-heated housing and development land markets and the impact of distressed assets. This research, at the interface of markets and finance, and funded through the National Asset Management Agency (Ireland) and the Northern Ireland Housing Executive has significant implications for the housing market in Northern Ireland and policy implications. The social dimension of housing research has spanned a number of innovative areas with community issues as a main or central focus. Research within Northern Ireland has included working with many minority ethnic communities discussing, in general, the issues of race, race inequalities, racist harassment and statutory involvement and service provision. A joint study funded by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation, with the universities of Manchester and Glasgow, developed innovative approaches to the relationships between housing and neighbourhoods on a UK wide scale but also capturing regional variation and distinctiveness. On the theme of collaboration with industry, the Centre publishes the Quarterly House Price Index on the residential market. The report established in 1984 has been widely accepted as the most authoritative analysis of the Northern Ireland market. This research involves over one hundred firms in the province and is currently produced in partnership with the private sector through the Bank of Ireland and the public sector represented by the Northern Ireland Housing Executive.